Well, Jedi Fallen Order is bugged out for me. Whenever I try and fly to the second or third planet, there's an audio glitch and I get stuck in a black room with a health bar and some VFX...can't do anything.
Quitting to menu and reloading, I have to play through 5 minutes to get to the same point, then sit through 5 minutes of unskippable dialogue....then it bugs out again.
It's an OK game but I'm not starting the damn thing again to end up stuck in this bug loop :/
Anyone else with this issue btw, found a solution on the EA forums.
IF you're stuck going to a black screen with a health bar when flying to Kasshyk for the first time....
Fly to a different planet instead
Save at a meditation circle
Close the game (quit)
Relaunch, manually reload your save (don't continue)
Sorted it for me.