It crazy there is still so much demand. They are both brilliant consoles with solid 4k gaming, so that helps. Lockdowns have given people more time to play. Plus there are probably people like me who jumped on the hype train.
I think the distribution method needs a rethink.
If you think of what most retailers are doing now.
Put it up when stock is commited. Then take it down when stock is exhausted.
Any of the next 3 are better systems in my opinion.
1 - OCUK style queue, yes its long wait times, but you at least in the queue and have an order done. Scalpers only have so much capital so can only do much entries in the queue. Also queues can be cleaned out, like OCUK did, whilst with queueless orders, they can be dispatched before that can be done.
2 - invite system, where existing customers who have brought other stuff are invited to buy a new console. This is simple and should be effective, only include customers who were customers before pre orders went live.
3 - Central database, one console per household rule.
What we have now is probably the worst way of doing it, it is the most scalper friendly system.