*** XBOX SSF4 LEAGUE - Season 4 ***

Table Updated:


Deadline: 13 sets by Sunday 27th

Penalties are shown in the table above, 2 people were affected. Same rules apply for next week so however many sets you are below 13, is how many points you will have deducted.

I played 2 games tonight!

I beat Alex grand master 3-2

and i beat tze chung shek 3-0

Don't penalize me :(

Sorry mate I just saw your XBL msg now which you sent before midnight! You lucky boy, I will amend the table tomorrow. ;)

Adz vs Sproutmaster

Some hardcore turtling by me in the later games, anything to win... :p
I bet you my turtling was much worse, just ask Spudmaster. I was literally crouched blocking in the corner waiting for any opening. :p Really close set of games though with no timeouts suprisingly. Actually I think I have that set saved I'll upload it.

No Lucifurr's was worse :p just sat at opposite side of screen crouched in later games. Jump in, eat a headbutt, cannon ball blocked and eat a punch, hop in and eat low jabs. Not fair :p

GGs though, really i should have played another character in the last game
No Lucifurr's was worse :p just sat at opposite side of screen crouched in later games. Jump in, eat a headbutt, cannon ball blocked and eat a punch, hop in and eat low jabs. Not fair :p

GGs though, really i should have played another character in the last game

Lol, I will record and upload them so you can witness the cheapness yourself :p

Edit: Still not as epically cheap as the last match I had with rav in the last league, all 3 rounds ended in timeouts.
Table Updated:


Deadline: 13 sets by Sunday 27th

If anyone is not able to post on the forums for whatever reason, simply leave me a msg over XBL with scores etc. As long as I get it before the deadline it's all good. :)

Remaining Games

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Alex Grand Master 3-1 Spudmaster,good games mate mean old blanka u got there and gd gmes in freindlies guys,meansfgamer and adz your ryu is realy improved mate good stuff

Yeah ggs mate, feels as though my Ryu is getting a bit better but Akuma a bit worse! Glad some of you guys are still on SSF4 though and not MvC3! Meansfgamer has a pretty solid Guile I have to say.
Yeah ggs mate, feels as though my Ryu is getting a bit better but Akuma a bit worse! Glad some of you guys are still on SSF4 though and not MvC3! Meansfgamer has a pretty solid Guile I have to say.

Thanks mpower07. That's what's exactly what's happened to me! Use to main ryu but feel ryu has gotten worse and guile is better even though iv only started using him on ssf4. So did you main Akuma before?
Thanks mpower07. That's what's exactly what's happened to me! Use to main ryu but feel ryu has gotten worse and guile is better even though iv only started using him on ssf4. So did you main Akuma before?

No, never used anyone apart from Ryu when it was SF4. When Super came out, it was still Ryu but I got bored of the game and then started to use a bit of Guile and Akuma. This was only about a month or two before all you guys joined this forum, so Guile and Akuma are totally new to me but it was nice using someone else, it got me back into the game. Even though I haven't been playing as much Ryu as I use too, I think the break away from him and trying to use other chars has actually improved my Ryu!

I just remembered I actually used Sagat when SF4 first came out, but haven't touched him for yearsss. True tier whore you could call me. :p
I agree of what your saying about trying someone new to keep you interested in the game, think maybe that's what iv done. Also trying other characters and learning something new from them sometimes you can implement that into your own character, I think anyway.
I agree of what your saying about trying someone new to keep you interested in the game, think maybe that's what iv done. Also trying other characters and learning something new from them sometimes you can implement that into your own character, I think anyway.

Definately. I never use to anti-air with Ryu but found Guile's cr.hp really useful and I took that back over to Ryu. Not as good but still very effective!
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