XenForo update coming [very] soon (Wednesday 27th April)!

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and I'm sure I saw someone mention how something had changed earlier in the thread when we haven't changed over yet :)
I think I know what that was, chromium changed something which i guess has filtered down because i too now have smaller fonts on OcUK (using Mobile Edge) but not only OcUK but a couple of over sites as well. Also this seemed to happen at the same time:


The underlining only occurs on my mobile and only started when the font sizes changed. unsure if that's just complete coincidence or not.
Bullet point of all changes please. :p
  • Old forum DB backed up
  • Forum software wiped.
  • Install new forum software.
  • Make random changes
  • Put back the DB.
  • Get out the popcorn and Jack Daniels
  • Turn Forum back on
  • Eat the popcorn
  • Take a shot whenever someone complains
  • Take a large shot whenever someone finds something that was missed in testing.
Are you going to mess it up again like last time and then completely ignore the fixes to functional requirements that used to exist on the old forum?
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