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Are these still on track for May 20th?

I had a couple of other items on the same order, once of which was a new DVD RW after a disc exploded inside mine. So at the moment I don't have an optical drive in my PC, not a massive problem but I have needed a few times over the last few weeks.
Just so everyone is aware. We have around 350 backorders and over 1500 units arriving (when they get here) Valkia has taken a backseat on this issue, I am dealing with Boogie Bug now. The likely hood is the next 10-14 days for delivery to OcUK. I will give further update on Monday when I should have more concrete information.
Over a month waiting for my last pre order now. Hope I get mine this time. I've bought them for presents for friends / family.
Just so everyone is aware. We have around 350 backorders and over 1500 units arriving (when they get here) Valkia has taken a backseat on this issue, I am dealing with Boogie Bug now. The likely hood is the next 10-14 days for delivery to OcUK. I will give further update on Monday when I should have more concrete information.

So, we're essentially waiting until June now? There better be a fre OCUK Coffee mug for the inconvenience :p
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