Xmas... drink driving...please don't...please.

Wow! never seen that before...now that should defo be aired over here in uk!

...coming from some one whos worked in a busy accident and emergency department.
Surely we have some ridiculous broadcasting rules meaning we can't show something that graphic on telly?

Anyway, great advertisement, the limit should be a reminder, but just don't drink and drive at all if you can.
Hey guys,

Happy Xmas and all that.

Please remember in the festive season...a drink ain't worth it...if you're driving.


If you're not...Cheers!

That's Austrailian, isn't it? They should definately air that over here. Would make more of an impact than the regular "drive safe" ******** we see in the UK.

Anything to drive the message home to the selfish "just one more pint" brigade.
If you drink and drive then cause an accident involving any of my family I will gut you like a fish.
That would never see the light of day in the UK.

It would be deemed not suitable for TV after one person complained about it.

Perhaps I was to subtle.

The problem we have is that drink driving in this country is already about as socially unacceptable as you can get. Sensible, rational people do not drink and drive and will not drink and drive this Christmas. It takes a special kind of muppet, or somebody off their head, to drink and drive.

Unfortunately all the heads up threads and hard hitting advertisements in the world will not get through to the 'hardcore' drink drivers who are pretty much the only people left who will drink and drive in this country. They do it because an accident 'wont happen to them' not because they do not realise what will happen if they do it. Our drink drive statistics are actually very good indeed - by and large this country does not have a major drink drive problem.

Contrast this with, say, Australia which has been specifically mentioned already due to its hard hitting advertisement. Drink driving over there is a much bigger problem - probably a byproduct of the rural communities which are more prevelant than over here - and its therefore not as socially unacceptable as it is here. In this situations you need to convince the masses - even those that dont drink drive - how bad it is, so that it becomes socially unacceptable and this in turn conditions people against it.

Such advertisements would no work over here as we've already reached that stage.

Less ******* for you?
Left that one too long and Fox had already replied!

Was just alluding to the fact he meant to make was that posting it on a forum isn't going to make the blindest bit of difference at the end of the day.
Good video. Thanks.

Personal preference but if I'm going to drive I won't have any drink at all. Even one beer isn't worth it after I've heard stories about other people.

Hope the roads are safe for you and your families over the holiday and in the future.
[TW]Fox;15514593 said:
Perhaps I was to subtle.

Less ******* for you?

Totally agree, people have taken note, your never going to get zero deaths from drink driving and the statistic says more people die or are run over from drivers trying to rush home or to somewhere. than by alcohol related incidents.
You never see an advert about rushing home from work though.
As a rule, I don't drink at all before driving. There have been occasions when I have broken this rule (2 in over 5 years of driving) where I have driven a few miles, well within the legal limit.

What's the rigid "my limit is ZERO" peoples opinion on this? And what do you say to alcohol content in food, such as that Italian ice-cream?
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