Xmas... drink driving...please don't...please.

Wow, powerful advert.

Cant stress how important it is to keep clean whilst driving, not only during this festive period.

Have lost 2 friends to xmas drink drivers.
Having a slow one and a couple of soft drinks aint too bad if you ask me. Unless you're a compete lightweight 1 will not affect you in the least.

Drink driving is terrible though, one mate told me he drove so drunk the other day he threw up on his windscreen, I've not spoken to him since and don't want to.
Interesting perspective. There's a considerable difference in the magnitude of damage I can do to anything when on a bicycle instead of in a car. Further while drunk I'll be cycling at around half the speed I would be when sober, so falling off doesn't matter all that much and is considerably safer than falling off while sober. Indeed falling over while walking is likely to do just as much harm to me as the bike sliding as I'm more likely to hit my head.

The only way I can imagine causing significant harm is if I meander out into the middle of the road and a car hits me. However were I on foot, the odds of this happening are if anything higher as there would be no lights. Is walking or running while drunk then also equivalent to driving while drunk?

You've just completely propped up my original statement.

Cyclists are bad enough at running pedestrians down on pavements when they're stone cold sober. I can't begin to imagine what they're like drunk. And then there's careering into the road as mentioned before, where you could easily cause a multiple car pileup whilst you shakily pedal to wherever you're going.

I swear to god people like you make me resent the reproduction process.
I'll have a pint and drive, usually a weaker lager or bitter, if i am having a bit meal over an extended period of time i would not have an issue with two (same sort of strengh)

I've been breathalised after i did the latter and it was green, so i am happy to.

The limit is there for the morning after but if you're below the limit it's personal choice, and if you don't feel happy/safe doing so you shouldn't.

I would be interested to know how many deaths are due to drink driving and the amount of booze they had in them.

Comparing someone who is just over the limit to someone who has had 10 pints makes as much sense as treating all speeders the same.
Cyclists are bad enough at running pedestrians down on pavements when they're stone cold sober. I can't begin to imagine what they're like drunk. And

I have no issue with cyclists drinking, if you enforce "drink cycling" many would take the risk to drive if your treated in a similar way, i do not see cyclists as a hazard on the road (at least any more than pedestrians).
Poignant, have put it on facebook, hopefully someone remembers it at christmas and doesn't have that beer that could ruin everything instead.
The Police do a good job of random stop checks on people around Xmas, which I think is good. I got stopped one night a few years ago myself, despite the fact that I'd just been giving someone a lift and hadn't been drinking.

As for Cycling...

I saw a Policeman ticket someone in Soho last year for attempting to ride home drunk.
Not to mention, have you ever tried to cycle while blindingly drunk?
I lived in a resort famous from MTBing in Canada a few years back, one night I was very very drunk, and tried to ride along the specific cycle roads (nowhere near proper roads) to get back to my house. This usually took about 8 minutes.

I worked out it had taken me nearly 40 minutes to get back drunk, having crashed into the bushes at least three times! :D
A very hard hitting advert. Really makes you think how selfish some people are and what devastation they cause by have one too may
Well then you're pretty much just as bad as a drink driver.

Just because you're on two wheels as opposed to four doesn't mean you can't do people damage, and damage to yourself.

You're a fool.

not quite... but since were doing this

What about being drunk and walking? People stagger all over the place... into roads and the CARS SWURVE AND OMG CRASH
Have some consideration for other people. Your entire post was about what damage it would do to you.

Not so. The part about swerving into the road and being hit by a car was in terms of distress to the driver rather than harm done to me. However if anything I think I'm more likely to walk down the middle of a road singing than to cycle across lanes.

Cyclists are bad enough at running pedestrians down on pavements when they're stone cold sober. I can't begin to imagine what they're like drunk.

I see. So you've never seen a drunk cyclist then. I have never hit a pedestrian, nor have I ever seen a cyclist hit a pedestrian. However (when sober), I frequently encounter pedestrians walking out into roads without looking, or occasionally looking straight at me then walking out in front. As cyclists are legally required to be on the road and pedestrians are only meant to cross at designated points this annoys the hell out of me. If you're one of the ******* who thinks pedestrians have right of way over cyclists while on the road then I have equal contempt for you.

It makes my stance less exciting, but I won't be cycling near cars while drunk. I also leave considerably more space between myself and pedestrians who happen to be in the middle of the road than while sober. Cycling while drunk is tricky I agree, but might be easier than walking as bikes tend to hold themselves upright. I haven't tried it while completely wrecked though.
Thinking about it now, I 'may' have been not myself driving a morning after our Christmas do at work. I was slightly drunk when I left the restaurant, so I opted to sleep in my car (office and restaurant about 50 miles from home so driving or paying fortunes for a taxi was not an option). I was annoyed with myself as I didn't want to drink. I slept about 5 hours, got out, walked around, walk in a straight line, etc. I was certain I was sober and good to go. Drive home was nothing out of the ordinary. It was only when I got home, went back to sleep and woke up when I realised, NOW I'm sober.
It's been four years and I still get incredibly angry with myself thinking about it, at least once a week.
I was certain I was sober and good to go. Drive home was nothing out of the ordinary. It was only when I got home, went back to sleep and woke up when I realised, NOW I'm sober.

It's been four years and I still get incredibly angry with myself thinking about it, at least once a week.

Don't get angry, get even - KNOW you'll never do it again.
The Police do a good job of random stop checks on people around Xmas, which I think is good. I got stopped one night a few years ago myself, despite the fact that I'd just been giving someone a lift and hadn't been drinking.

As for Cycling...

I saw a Policeman ticket someone in Soho last year for attempting to ride home drunk.
Not to mention, have you ever tried to cycle while blindingly drunk?
I lived in a resort famous from MTBing in Canada a few years back, one night I was very very drunk, and tried to ride along the specific cycle roads (nowhere near proper roads) to get back to my house. This usually took about 8 minutes.

I worked out it had taken me nearly 40 minutes to get back drunk, having crashed into the bushes at least three times! :D

The only scars i have on my body are from riding my bike drunk :p Luckily it never hurts at the time though.
Cops started their drink drive campaign up in cumbria and caught 17 ppl in the first week. Not a good start. The first TAC campaign started in 1989. Deaths have been reduved from 777 to 306, is that due to the message getting out that drink driving is bad or the fact that cars are much safer today than 20 years ago.
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