XP-120 Hotter than stock cooler

dnt have another one and i dont think i know anyone that would let me put it in theirs?

this still doesnt explain why the temps go up with the XP-120. must be bad contact... the base looks flat enough to me when i put a metal ruler across it
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i would say there is a 8th toa quarter of a milimeter gap when i put the ruler from corner to corner and egde to edge
tried taking a pic but its that small its less than a pixel on my camera so it wont pick it up
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so what do i do? lap it or try using a THIN layer of AS5? or stick to my stock and lose out the money i paid for it

EDIT: the guy who sold me it doesnt think there is a problem as he used it to cool his 3500 and it was fine. he claims that my overclocked opteron puts out too much heat. my argument is that the XP-120 is a PERFORMANCE heatshink and should out perform a stock amd cooler which has no heatpipes. and is tiny!!!!

EDIT2: when i felt the amd cooler it didnt seem that hot when the temps were at 40'c
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ive done some tests. i put the heatsink on with a LITTLE ammount of AS5 and mouted it BOTH ways one with the pipes point up and one down. i tried first with a 78CFM output fan and a amber which is about 48CFM i believe.

i got about 38'c in the bios. so i was like okay well. the fans arent making much difference so i took the fan off. and left it sittin in the bios running fanless. temps reached about 50'c and the heat pipes got HOT and the fins got quite warm too.

so ive put the amber fan back on and im converting a dvd again to test load temps and there still reaching and at somepoints going over 50'c.

room temp is 26'c cpu=48-52 pwmic=42-46 nf4=48-50

i also found that when overclocked the chip is about the same temp as normal maybe 2'c difference but thats about it
i might just have to do that. ive just looked at the stats within MBM5 and it hit 55'c :eek: well this cooler should bloody work dut for some reason it just wont...

i'll go back to stock and get a freezer pro lol... what a waste of money/ do you think someone will buy this off the MM for £15?
okay i wont slate them as a cooler i'll slate this one cos its **** and just wont cool anything. stupid thing.

so whats the best cooler to get then? NOT XP-120 bcos well it doest FIT my ram JUST fits under one side of the cooler i'll get a pic

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he thinks that i damaged it even more... i admit there are a few more scratches on the bottom bu he says as it worked for him its not really his problem it doesnt work for me.

i'll order a scythe tomorrow. i cant find it anywhere else but here not at a cheaper price anyway!
ive got the XP-120 in now. runnin under and Amber at full rpm. the idle temp is 37-38'c which my old one did but when i load the cpu it goes mental. my stock cooler keeps it at 44'c NO HIGHER than that. but this. i got to 55'c yesterday on full load. :eek: its just not working. its on the mm at the min but no one wants it lol. im not surprised if they have read this... but it'll go on the bay today if no one wants it


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Ive decided to lap the heatsink afterall.. going to my dads tomorrow to do it. he has a lot of the wet & dry i need to do it. do you guys have anything that i should watch out for? from personal experience
he sold the processor he was using it with. A64 3500+ OC'd to 2400MHZ and idle'd at 28'c does that sound right to you. is it my system or my ihs thats concaved?

EDIT: is it okay to lap the silver coating off? to reveal the copper one? as seen in the scratch pics?

just realised i didnt put any in the thread lol

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