Xpert Eleven - Online Football Management Game

Ive got a chance to beat a team from the top league :) even though its a friendly, its still a game i would wanna win just to prove, 1st Division aint a walk over \o\
Andybtsn said:
Could we comple a list of usernames and their team names? Who's Team Win? Got them in the cup.

Ive started a topic in the league forum for team names and ocuk forum names
CliffyG said:
How do the games work exactly, are they interactive at all?

No, it's management only so you set up your tactics and off you go. You can watch the game afterwards though in a Football Manager style minute by minute thing as the match plays through which, shamefully, is quite exciting. My wife gets cross with me because I get out of my chair and shout when I'm losing :p
Andybtsn said:
How do you arrange friendlys? Could anyone arrange one with me? Pillsbury Utd.

Browse through the league. pick a team by clicking on it and select "challenge team"
Andybtsn said:
How do you arrange friendlys? Could anyone arrange one with me? Pillsbury Utd.

You do it by clicking on a team and selecting the 'Challenge Team' button.
Thats that sorted then :)

I was gonna sign up but i aint got much time for it tbh and it seems its one of those you have to check everyday :(
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