Xpert Eleven - Online Football Management Game

Team Name - OCUK Username

BaZ Army - BaZa87
Banana Skin FC - Clarknova
Nursies Nightm... - Nurise
FC Cobbled Tog... - Cobble
Oakway Athletic - Ginomol
Salford FC - MarcLister
Chocolate Teapot - CliffyG
Pillsbury United - Andybtsn
Almond FC - GeeGeez0rz
Clippers - Clipsey
Liquid Steelers - Snky
FC LOLCATS - ScarySquirrel
Dynamo United FC - JimmyLube
Deportivo La C... - Youstolemyname
Team Win - Wimbo
League Positio... - Cbone14
Ascension FC - Docaroo
Leicester - Adambaxter
Metatarsal Utd - Linoge
Riseagainst fc - SuperSaddler
Spicy FC - Hinchyoooo
Macgyvers XI - Platypus
Pathetic Athletic - Frosti
Daventry FC - Dhill
Gimp Utd - Droolinggimp
Team for a Laugh - Jesta276
30ToneHedgeHogs - Ukadder
Joshs Giants - OcUKGilly
All Good Things - Lord-Jaffa
CliffyG said:
How'd that happen?
My coach left a message in my mailbox asking if I wanted to promote him from the youth team. Didn't know how much he was worth til I agreed to take him.
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