
gutted to hear this... :( what parts are you waiting for stan?

Lots of stuff. Radiator, reservoir, fan controller, water, kill coil, hose and loads of fittings :( If it had just been a few bits and pieces, I might have been able to get something locally to get it up and running for now but it'd cost a fortune - even if I could get all of it locally (which I doubt).
This looks absolutely fantastic! I'd love to do something like this, but i've gone from a larger build to a smaller build anyway and this would blow my old build out of the water!!
Sad times, i probs have most of that spare, admittedly all second hand

I could probably cobble something together with bits I have but it would look awful and would need to be stripped down and redone anyway so I didn't see much point.

This looks absolutely fantastic! I'd love to do something like this, but i've gone from a larger build to a smaller build anyway and this would blow my old build out of the water!!

I fully intended doing a smaller build this time (Prodigy gaming rig or the like) but the chance at doing an SR-2 build relatively cheaply was impossible to resist :o

Although I can't get anything done, I have managed to sort this...


...into this.

Two of the most tedious hours I've ever spent but worth it as I'll now be able to find what I need a lot quicker than before. I've also discovered that my family will be self sufficient in PC component screws for several generations :D
Not really an update as such but I got back from holiday today and the watercooling stuff has arrived while I was away (nice having a neighbour who'll take stuff in - thanks Mrs H).


Pretty much all I need to finish the build but, since I can't do anything now until I get back from work in a month, I'll order some new fans while I'm away. I've measured it up and I can just squeeze the radiator in with fans either side. Is there any real benefit in a push pull setup? Are the temps much different? I believe the 1450rpm Gentle Typhoons are the flavour of the month for radiator fans at the moment.
Push-pull does help, but not by a huge amount. It is all in %s and degrees. If you have room for it do it, if you don't it will be fine.

You doing the Chimp Challenge atm?
:D Really nice build there, can't wait to see it finished.
I did skim a bit, what colour coolant are you going for?

Can't wait to see it finished.
Love an Sr-2 build, I've come close to buying one many many times.

What's your final rad layout going to be?
Push-pull does help, but not by a huge amount. It is all in %s and degrees. If you have room for it do it, if you don't it will be fine.

You doing the Chimp Challenge atm?

As I said, there should be just about enough room. I may as well do it. My limited research suggested what you say, that it makes a few degrees difference, but not essential.

Not doing the chimp challenge. Didin't even look at it to be honest :o

:D Really nice build there, can't wait to see it finished.
I did skim a bit, what colour coolant are you going for?

Can't wait to see it finished.

Will just be running clear to start off with. Once I get organised with watercooling the GPUs, I may well add some colour and some lights but that will be a different setup altogether so I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Love an Sr-2 build, I've come close to buying one many many times.

What's your final rad layout going to be?

For the moment it will be the 360 in the top with the barbs towards the back of the case and a 120 in the bottom. Loop will be res/pump -> 360 rad -> CPU1 -> CPU2 -> 120 rad -> main MB block -> mosfet block -> res.

As I said in the OP, the long term plan is to WC the GPUs (4 of them) and cool the whole thing with a Hailea water chiller via a cunning and unusual setup I'm devising - details of which will be forthcoming when and if it comes to fruition :p
Ahhh a chiller!! That explains it as my first thoughts were 'thats going to need a bit more radiator then an elysium can hold' :p

Looking forward to seeing this evolve :D

I know very little about [email protected] wouldn't say, 7 x 7950's (with single slot brackets) work out cheaper and give better results? Or are Nvidia cards simply that much better when it comes to folding?
It depends on what units you get. If you get the 17s then the hd7950 and hd7970 can do a lot of PPD. But you'll be scared stiff if you see your electricity bill when you are running two Xeons and especially 7 GFX cards. Let alone the fact you would need two enormous PSUs to power the lot of them.
After opening this thread, I smelt burning. My wallet spontaneously combusted... Insane build, let us know how much PPD you get from this monster of a machine!

Nice choice of radiator too mate, I'm sticking a monsta 240 and XT45 in mine :)
Since I'm away at work, I have had plenty of time to think about things and I had pretty much decided to go straight into phase 2 of the build when I get back in 3 weeks time. I was looking at what I would need to get the two loops hooked up to the water chiller and planning what to buy from where. That was until I heard the very strong rumours that the Nvidia 700 series were due to be released in May. It's back to phase one now until I see what the new 700 cards bring.

I had made up my mind that I would go the middle route and get 4x680s for the build but I'll wait and see now. If the 780s are as good as they are rumoured to be and reasonably priced, I'll get those (once there are waterblocks available for them). Alternatively, the price of 680s may well drop and I might get them as planned. There's also a good chance that the MM will be flooded with 680s when the new cards come out so that's a third option.

So, it looks like I'll be going ahead as planned when I get home. I'll get the watercooling loop for the CPUs/MB sorted and bung in the 3 670s for now and bung the 690 into the gaming rig. As a little offshoot of this build, I'll also be doing up the gaming rig. I currently have the CPU watercooled in that with the 3x670s running with stock coolers. I'll be putting a second loop in there for the 690 and maybe one of the 670s for a Physx card. I'll be doing that after I've completed the main build and will probably tack it on to the end of this log as it doesn't really merit a project log of its own.
stan, seeing as loudb is adding another 4P e5 set up to reduce electric costs, see if he wants to off load any of his 680's cheap :P
stan, seeing as loudb is adding another 4P e5 set up to reduce electric costs, see if he wants to off load any of his 680's cheap :P

I'm going to wait and see what the 700 series are like before I make any decision. I did read a rumour that the 780 would be within 10-15% of the Titan. At the moment, it's all rumour so I prefer to wait until they come out and have been reviewed and used for real.

WHat will you use the gfx cards for? Just for folding? or will you also occasionally game with it?

It will be pretty much all folding. I'll have the gaming rig with the 690 for gaming, which should see me good for a few years yet. To be honest, I don't do a hell of a lot of gaming but what little I do, I like to do at decent quality.
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