Yanny or Laurel?

Heard Yanny the first few times, then I played the video while mid way through putting my headphones on and heard Laurel twice, threw me off a bit. From now on though, still can only hear Yanny. More of a Yammy really, definite M sound for me.
Laurel but my ears have always been sensitive to low frequency (playing on a Note4 probably helps).

I will try my wife's ipad to see if my ears betray me.

Edit - Nope, still Laurel on the ipad, more bass tones in the speakers than I realised.
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Seems to be dependent on your speakers.

Can hear both at the same time in my car.

Put my head closer to treble speaker to hear one version and the other if I move my head closer to the bass.

Like Holst1981 has discovered I'm guessing it's to do with whether speakers are biased towards low or high frequencies and the frequency range or the speakers.
Apparently your ears are rubbish if you only hear Laurel, nothing to do with your speakers. You Laurel lot can't hear high frequencies because you are OAPs. :D

This is definitely not the case.

At work we tend to work with noise sources that produce frequencies in the order of kHz. One of the older guys can barely hear anything above about 4kHz, whereas I can easily hear to something like 15kHz.

So I tried an experiment using a single source (my phone) - I always hear Laurel and he said he hears Yanny. So if anything (on my sample test of one), it would appear that older people who have terrible hearing are more likely to hear Yanny.
This is definitely not the case.

At work we tend to work with noise sources that produce frequencies in the order of kHz. One of the older guys can barely hear anything above about 4kHz, whereas I can easily hear to something like 15kHz.

So I tried an experiment using a single source (my phone) - I always hear Laurel and he said he hears Yanny. So if anything (on my sample test of one), it would appear that older people who have terrible hearing are more likely to hear Yanny.
Correct, it's actually saying Laurel and is low quality. The only reason people hear Yanny are 1.Crappy speakers 2.Crappy ears
Apparently your ears are rubbish if you only hear Laurel, nothing to do with your speakers. You Laurel lot can't hear high frequencies because you are OAPs. :D

This is definitely not the case.

At work we tend to work with noise sources that produce frequencies in the order of kHz. One of the older guys can barely hear anything above about 4kHz, whereas I can easily hear to something like 15kHz.

So I tried an experiment using a single source (my phone) - I always hear Laurel and he said he hears Yanny. So if anything (on my sample test of one), it would appear that older people who have terrible hearing are more likely to hear Yanny.

Correct, it's actually saying Laurel and is low quality. The only reason people hear Yanny are 1.Crappy speakers 2.Crappy ears

I heard "yanny".

I saw the same reasoning applied as Em3bbs and thought "Hooray, years of heavy metal, raves and motorbikes haven't ruined my ears!" - Now I'm going to have to listen to it through my home theatre system in the hope I've just got crappy speakers (Samsung Galaxy S9+) and not crappy ears :(.

(I'm well prepared for the crappy ears revelation considering the reasons given above :p)
Laurel although it sounds more like "lawl"

This is a case of people whose hearing has gone as opposed to the dress which is down to the different ways our brains perceive colour and chromatic adaption
Weirdly, first I could only hear Laurel and I thought people saying Yanny were lying. Then I listened a few hours again later after watching a movie and all I could hear was Yanny. Then not even 45 minutes later I can't even force myself to hear Yanny and only hear Laurel.

Didn't matter if it was my phone or my computer. I couldn't hear the high pitched Yanny again no matter how hard I try.

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