YARSL - Yet another riveting stronglifts log!

Okey doke, workout done, as suggested, Planks just got stupid hard by contracting everything from start to finish. Time on them has essentially halved.

Workout - 05/01/2015 - 5030KG lifted


Went easier than last workout, even though weight was increased :confused:

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 52.5KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 65KG

Bench Press

Still managing ok with this, no struggle to speak of...keeping good form throughout.

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 30KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 45KG

Bent Over Row

Got hard in last 2 working sets, had a few rest pause reps.

  • 1x5 @ 40KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 52.5KG


Game changer after advice received, hurts like a SOB. Full 3 minutes rest between each 1.

  • 1 @ 39 seconds
  • 1 @ 47 seconds
  • 1 @ 42 seconds
Good work. ;) :D

Thanks, don't know whether to be happy or peed off with the plank advice ;)

In my (limited experience), a brief rest is much better than cheating the rep by using the hips to bounce the bar up.

That's my train of thought, at least with a rest pause, I was finishing the set without cheating. Don't think i'll hit my next progression on BOR.

Also as the weight gets heavier, finding it harder and harder to keep my back parallel to the ground.

5x5 40kg went up without any issues?! Still mirin!

Since my last post I had to deload from 37.5 to 32.5!

Well I did have a little banana backing on the final set.

That's quite a hefty deload from 37.5 to 32.5, why didn't you deload to 35...or did the app say different?

I'm quite looking forward to hitting 42.5KG tomorrow and seeing how it goes, I don't expect to hit 5x5 though.
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I don't use the App but I know its 10% and (afaik) round-down.

That makes sense then.

The app is good, plate calculation, warm up sets, good tracking, what weights to do when you fail, works well...I like it, especially when i'm half asleep in the morning and it's just telling me what to do.

Have you got a log?
Hmmm...not a happy chappy, had my first fail today on the big 5...as expected, the OHP.

However, hit a milestone, Deadlifted just past my bodyweight of 84KG @ 85KG :D


  • Squats were hard but still pushed through and think i'll be good for a few progressions yet.
  • Overhead press - FAIL on final 2 sets :mad:.
  • Deadlifts no real problem, can feel grip starting to go.
  • Chin ups much much better than last time, still only 12 total but happy with them.

Workout - 07/01/2015 - 5007KG lifted


  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 55KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 67.5KG

Overhead Press

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 30KG warmup
  • 3x5 @ 42.5KG
  • 2x4 @ 42.5KG...need to repeat same weight on Monday, hoping to hit it after the weekend rest period.


  • 1x5 @ 60KG warmup
  • 1x5 @ 72.5KG warmup
  • 1x5 @ 85KG

Chin Ups (Neutral "easy" Grip)

Strict form, straight arms, dead hang start, pull up hard, lower myself down slowly back to a dead hang, next rep.

  • 5 reps @ BW
  • 4 reps @ BW
  • 3 reps @ BW

Barbell Curls

  • 2x8 @ 30KG
Don't worry about the OH Press failing - that and BOR go up too quickly on stronglifts imo and become very difficult to progress with!

I'm expecting a stall on BOR on Friday, struggled through them on Monday.

For sure, OHP is a cruel mistress! If you keep failing, have a check of form (vertical forearms, pushing the bar back behind your head as it passes your chin etc). I've been stuck on 3x5 45kg for some time but I passed it this week with some form tweaks

My form is really strict, almost obsessively so. That's the reason I believe i've stalled. I could probably get it up if i let my back go like a banana and contorted the hell out of myself.

No log, maybe I'll hijack yours, haha ;) Pushed a 75KG squat 5x5 today, take that silly OHP!

You should do a log, I like following the other SL guys around here. Good work on the squat, I have 70KG on Friday.
5th workout of the year done, looking forward to doing little for the next 2 days, body is feeling really tired.

Will be doing a little core/ab work each Saturday, nothing major, more to help coach a friend long. That's the reason for dropping the planks today.


  • Squats, hard, still hitting my 5x5 though.
  • Bench Press, not too bad, felt a bit of tiredness on last set but no problems.
  • Bent Over Rows, these are now hard, rest pause after 3/4 reps from 2nd set in. Managed to hit 5x5 with good straight parallel back.

Workout - 09/01/2015 - 5472KG lifted


  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 55KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 70KG

Bench Press

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 35KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 47.5KG

Bent Over Row

  • 1x5 @ 40KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 55KG
Back on it from Monday, still have some pain but have been doing mobility work for last 2 weeks, taking Naproxen and doing some light barbell work.

I swear I can see the loss of gains in the mirror from not working out for 2 weeks ;)
Workout - 26/01/2015 - 4310KG lifted

Well that was anything but pleasant, 17 days since last workout due to dodgy shoulder, feel like roadkill.

SL 5x5 app suggested a 20% deload as it's over 2 weeks since last week, took the advice and even struggled on the lower weights across all exercises.

However, I did hit all targets, so that's a minor positive.

Added in CGBP as since I quit the gym I haven't done dips and my triceps are a bit neglected.


  • Squats...hard.
  • Overhead press...hard.
  • Deadlifts...hard.


  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 57.5KG

Overhead Press

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 32.5KG


  • 1x5 @ 60KG warmup
  • 1x5 @ 70KG

Chin Ups (Neutral "easy" Grip)

Strict form, straight arms, dead hang start, pull up hard, lower myself down slowly back to a dead hang, next rep.

  • 2 reps @ BW
  • 2 reps @ BW
  • 2 reps @ BW

    Pathetic! :(

Close Grip Bench Press

  • 3x5 @ 30KG

Barbell Curls

  • 2x8 @ 27.5KG
Workout - 28/01/2015 - 5795KG lifted

Still aching quite a bit from Monday's workout but cracked on with no failures. Still on a 10-20% deload across the exercises as a result of the 2 week break.

Added in barbell shrugs just for fun as I had a lot of strength left at the end, should also passively help my deadlift ;)


  • Squats...better than Monday, still got achy legs though.
  • Bench Press...really struggled on last set of 5.
  • Bent Over Rows...rep/pause/rep/pause on last two sets.


  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 50KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 60KG

Bench Press

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 30KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 45KG

Bent Over Row

  • 1x5 @ 40KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 50KG

Barbell Shrugs

  • 2x12 @ 40KG
I'm putting SL5x5 on hold for a while as shoulder problem is back and persistent, making most workouts extremely painful. Doing lots of mobility work to try and help this.

For the moment i'm on a kind of hiatus :(
Shoulder hurts when squatting/deadlifting? :(

Try these...

Squats are ok as my arms are just balancing the bar, not much else.

Everything else is causing some degree of pain, doctors are useless, 3 visits now and i'm told to rest and take painkillers.

Might have to shell out some cash for an "expert" :)
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