Yessssss! Now it's good news about the Vulcan..

Bah!! You look at all the silly things that have vast amounts of money just wasted on them and something like this is dropped. Sad day. Very sad day. :(
Flibster said:


???? Is he dead?????
How about we create a fun raiser over a whole heap of forums? :p

All you need is 250,000 people to pay 1 pound and its able tobe finished :D
This is seriously bad news. I was talking to one of the fundraising guys at RIAT and while they were concerned about the level of funding there was still a degree of confidence that their targets could be achieved.

It seems that they've been unable to generate the necessary funds to allow the lottery funding to be released. I suppose that rules are rules but it seems daft that there's several million quid sat allocated to this which cannot be released unless they reach a set level of public donations. You would have thought that a portion of the lottery money could be released to allow them to continue.

Wonder how much my Vulcan to the Sky baseball cap will be worth now?
The amount of money that is flushed through imcompetence, bad planning, system abuse, over management and crap projects must run into billions .... and £250,000 can't be found to restore one of the most graceful military jets ever to grace the sky.

It's sad and an utter disgrace. :mad:
Hopefully this will make the project more prominent though and maybe someone like branson can step in and provide the money.

Looks to the bright side... :(
Visage said:
At least if its scrapped we can start to forget about the consequences of their threatened use.....


To fly as a living memorial to the cold war with a mobile education centre going everywhere with it?

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