Yessssss! Now it's good news about the Vulcan..

Who knows, Maybe some really rich guy will buy the project and take over it and get in completed :p :D
Spanker said:
Sure helped out on the Sally B :)

Yup. Sally B needed a lot of help due to the EU

And he *amongst others* steped up and fronted the wonga for them. :D

C'mon Branson! Hand, pocket, wallet..

Flibster said:
The certified engineers have have their contracts terminated. It's not going to happen. :(



I said months ago this was going to be pulled, the trouble is the figures are always bull. Its gonna take way more than 250k to save this project. The engineers have had their contracts terminated but they are all on loan from another workplace so they have jobs. The vulcan was temp paying their wages and some travel/living expenses. The money for the Certifying engineers alone will eat £40-45k per man and as they are supplying quality engineers too thats another £30-35k per man. Then the cost of using the companies stores system and the loaner aircraft fitters/electricians. Then you have Buyers and then actually money for spares/repairs. 250k is nothing.

Trust me 250k wont get them through 4 months. It will be on and off like this for a long while.

You just wait until the CAA (Cash Accumaltion Assosiation) get in on the certification. Then you will seee some money get eaten away.
Come on guys, spread it around the internget, all we need is 300,000 people giving £1, I mean there is 7 billion on this world!!!

Concorde Rules said:
Come on guys, spread it around the internget, all we need is 300,000 people giving £1, I mean there is 7 billion on this world!!!


Already have done...

Would post a affiliated shopping link but it contains links to places that are not approved of here. :(

Sad news :( I was lucky enough to see one a couple of times. Once was at the Cotsford airshow a few years ago. It touched down gently in front of me and then went full throttle back up again at some ridiculous angle - I thought my rib cage was going to buckle and implode from the noise, and my ears are still ringing :)

Awesome plane!
Concorde Rules said:
Come on guys, spread it around the internget, all we need is 300,000 people giving £1, I mean there is 7 billion on this world!!!


Ok even though I told you £300k wont get it anywhere. You will raise 300k and in 3 months it will shut down again and you will complain about your lost efforts.
its a well known fact that it cost's 10 million a year to supply and fly JUST 1 red arrow, and there are 10 of the things (they are good though) so why cant they supply a bit of cash for a piece of history, its beyond me...
dannyjo22 said:
Ok even though I told you £300k wont get it anywhere. You will raise 300k and in 3 months it will shut down again and you will complain about your lost efforts.

Yes it will, it will get them past the 1.33333 or so million they need to get the 66% some 2.66 million that the lottery has pledged.

So, yes it will help!
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