indeed, why pay 100s for a designer cat when there are loads living in a shelter.
Just buy a painting or something if you want one to look nice.
Its not about "looking nice". If it was, then like you say, I would just buy a picture.
I took a lot of time and effort finding the cat(s) that I wanted. I didnt just pop down to the local shelter on a whim and take the cat that was the cutest. In total, it took about 3 months of solid research - all I was doing was going to work, coming back home and doing research. Non-stop. I wonder how many moggie owners would've done this?
I live in London. 1 cat came from Ipswich. 1 cat came from Bournemouth. How many moggie owners have done this, I wonder?
I hunted down the 2 cats that I wanted most. I did this because I knew the cats were going to be with me, no matter what, for the next 15yrs or so. No offence to Moggies, but they just dont do "it" for me.
I didnt want to get 2 cats and then ogle other peoples' cats. I wanted to get my cats and when I looked at them and was with them, I would be proud to be with them and show them off to whomever.
As it is now, I am totally happy with my choice and at no stage have I thought, "Hmmm, I would've preferred to have got a different cat".
If you have a read of the thread that I created, you will see that my lounge is dominated by a massive cat tree. This shows that I am not getting cats to "match the furniture".
I tried to get a Bengal from a shelter, however, they would only let them go to experienced homes. Hence, I got one from a breeder, of my choice.
I like my 2 cats. I dont particularly like Moggies. I cant help that. Its just how it is. And I didnt want to have have 2 cats, for 15yrs, when I was pining over another (pedigree) cat, thinking I'd made a mistake. Pedigree cats all the way for me and I'm sorry if it offends moggie-cat owners.
The way I see it, people have the right to choose, as long as they are taking care of their pet.