Yet another OcUK Gamertag Database

Because of a bit of fooling around my mates taken over my old "Bhoya" gamertag and I'm now on "BhoyaCelt" if anyone wants to add me. I've built up a bunch of games while I wasn't playing so it'll be random what I'm on but always up for some Halo or CoD4
I only bought my Xbox on Sunday :).

My gamertag is rather boring as it's my name, I might change it though.

Gamertag : Andythilo

Add me as I have no friends :(

I only own PGR3, Table Tennis and Forza2
It's really not 'fantastic', I just love it because I've spent hours getting it working. For now I have:

- Gamerscore graphs
- Top game graphs
- Stats (biggest gains, time spent playing etc.)
- Game recommendations a la LastFM (a bit funky, e.g. if you play Mass Effect it will recommend COD4 as if you own Mass Effect the game you are next most likely to own is COD4)

The real cool stuff will come when I can work out how to authenticate onto the Xbox Live site and get more info out of it.
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