Yet another OcUK Gamertag Database

Sid...sent you an email. Would you mind removing me from that site please? I'm on there under Tried&Tested.

I've 'soft' deleted you from the site so that it will no longer check your id and update your score, but it does retain your historical score so that if someone say wants to see how many people have played a game, you having played it will increase that score by one, but they cannot see that you yourself have played it, if that makes sense. You can double check this by going straight to your profile, which you can see no longer exists.

If you want however, I can purge all of the info related to your gamercard from the database, though I'll have to do that from home as it will take a little while.

I will email you this post later today as well in case you aren't watching the thread.

Out of curosity why do you want to be deleted, I won't be offended if you say you don't use the site any more?
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