You lot with kids, do you have a perfect clean house?

Is this a joke thread? I have 5 (twins under 4 a 6 year old, 8 year old and 11) and they completely destroy the place every single day. I bought a new carpet a year ago (old one was thread bare!) and as of today they have already put two holes in it and smeared chocolate and other god knows what all in it. I have since vaxed the thing and do so at least every 2 months. If me and the wife are not on it for 1 day things stack up before you know it.
1. Buy robo vac and tell the kids that it will eat/destroy anything it finds on their floor so they'd better tidy up their ****.
2. Which it does and they do.
3. ???
4. Profit!

Based on a true story :thumbs up:
Simple you have too much junk about.

The living room has only a sofa, coffee table, tv and Xbox, that is all we have, we can count 11 items including those just listed in the living room.

I have had tenants like that, to me it says "Dodgy and able to do a runner at a moment's notice" ;)
Boys definitely seem worse than girls when it comes to making a mess.

I'd say our house is pretty tidy but we do only have 1 daughter. My wife is also pretty hot on getting rid of toys that haven't been played with for a few months.

Our friend with 2 boys god. Its like a warzone in their living room and kitchen. Toys everywhere and all sort of stuff where it shouldn't be.

Our house? Spotless... Until 2015. :o :D Now we have a universal floordrobe, grimy rat-run marks around 3' off the ground throughout the house despite re-painting annually at worst, and we can spend four hours cleaning and tidying in a day and still wind up with it looking worse than when we started, because the little crotch goblins have a knack of upending one room just as you're finishing tidying another. Plus ca change. I'm starting to think Quentin Crisp was on to something!
Why don’t you just teach the kids how to do the housework then bribe them to do it. Kids are very easily bribed. A 15p lucky bag did it for me when I was a little’un.
These days that 15p lucky bag would now need to be an iphone or ipad ;)
And a week later it be broken and they want another one :cry:
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Our three year old is a nutter but our 15 year old helps with the cleaning by emptying the bins and washing the dishes etc.

We have a lot of furniture that will need replacing however as our lovely IKEA coffee table is ruined as the top is made with soft wood and has been dented to hell. Also our white bedroom walls need repainting in spring as he put pen all over them.

We also have a dog and up until recently a cat to add to the problems!
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1 kid, 3 dogs, 1 cat, guinea pig, house in various stages of repair trying to get it ready for sale, wife working two jobs, me working full time, and just done with it all. No... not a darn chance. Once I move then maybe it'll be clean one a week lol.
Dogs are far worse. They have a stench that not even Mary Poppins can eradicate. Plus the older your children get the less they **** on the carpet whereas dogs...
Tidy ? no not really but clean? yes, mostly. we only have 1 though (7 today) and no pets .

both my son and I have allergies/athsma so we have to keep on top of things. we have a (slight) black mould problem around the windows in winter but I don't consider that dirt

no offence meant to animal lovers but never been a fan of house dogs and find there is always a doggy smell if indoors.. we always had a working dog when I was a kid, but despite her being spoilt rotten she stayed mostly outside in a pen or in the garden.

we do have a cleaner once a week on a weds for 2 hrs who is a god send as my wife and I both work, then we clean / tidy at weekend too
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Not a chance of having a spotlessly clean house when you have kids and pets unless you can afford a cleaner to come in twice a week.

It’s tough enough just to keep it habitable when both parents work. It does get easier once the kids are old enough to tidy up after themselve.
Because if you do, how the hell do you do it? (excluding those of you here that have servants etc..).

GF's dad rekons when you have a kid you just give up cleaning because it's always a nightmare, and to be honest I find a constant list of cleaning, the house seems to never be clean, it's like living in a hotel where I'm hospitality.

So yes, what do you lot do?

Yes, our house was always clean.

Its all about discipline and respect.

Start as you mean to go on. Teach your children from an early age.
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