Your bad driving

I actually forgot about a funny situation I found myself in. Many years ago I was fooling around with a girl I worked with (we were both single) and she 'booty messaged' me one night, but she was staying at a friend's and she either wasn't allowed or didn't think it was appropriate for us to use one of their rooms.

So I picked her up and we went down a country lane, obviously no road lighting and it was pitch black. I had drove enough down the lane not to be near the junction with the main road, so we couldn't be spotted and therefore it was too far to reverse all the way back.

So after finishing our rondezvous, I drove further along the lane to find a place to turn around. After a while, I noticed that there didn't appear to be a ditch either side of the lane anymore and I could do a three point turn.

Unfortunately there was still a ditch, only the grass had grown level with the lane so in goes my car bonnet first. It was a 3 series BMW so RWD, which had no traction with the weight of the car pressing down into the ditch.

Had to call a recovery company, who had to call head office after learning I didn't have my wallet to pay. Thankfully the guy said "well we can't just leave him here". Their head office was on the local industrial estate so I paid there the next day and dropped off some beers for the guy who recovered me.
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Unfortunately there was still a ditch, only the grass had grown level with the lane so in goes my car bonnet first. It was a 3 series BMW so RWD, which had no traction with the weight of the car pressing down into the ditch.

Living rurally I've long learnt to be very suspicious of the sides of the road :s though I've had a couple of instances where I was lucky to get away with it.
On my way to work today, ironically stuck behind a vehicle towing a horsebox at around 40 in a NSL, there was a horse and rider coming around a nasty corner on the wrong side of the road - don't blame them as on the inside of the corner they'd have been in a bad place but coming against traffic in that situation forced drivers into a difficult situation as well as you couldn't see if it was clear to move into the other carriageway and they were going against traffic so you couldn't just let it play out until it was clear. Anyhow I noticed the horse but it just didn't register, when the vehicle towing the horsebox braked hard for about 1/3rd of a second I was thinking why are you doing that until a moment later it clicked horse + highway code says 10MPH, etc.

To be fair would probably have been a bit more on the spot if it had appeared directly in front of me - having been following the horsebox for some miles I was somewhat lulled into following mode.
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Was just driving on the dual carriageway today (national speed limit) and was coming up to overtake a lorry but was wary of a van pulling out on me. Van starts to pull out (without a big enough gap) but suddenly pulls back in. I thought he'd pulled in for me realising the gap wasn't that big. I commit to overtaking the lorry then look in my mirrors and realise an unmarked police car is there with the lights on :D

It must have been doing a fair rate of knots because I hadn't seen it looking in my mirrors not long before. Sped up to an indicated 84 to get the overtake done quickly. Police again must have been going very fast as they were out of sight about 5 seconds later while I continued on at 70.
Ooops depending on circumstances maybe thought you sped up to get clear for them. I had one recently where it was confusing what an ambulance behind me was trying to do and when I started to yield didn't take the opportunity, realised they wanted to take a turning on the left which was coming up so put my foot down a bit to make it easier/quicker for them.
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Who renamed the thread :D

no one :D

no one :D

Yep, I figured this out earlier and forgot to come back and edit my post.

Leaving it there for posterity I'm too tired :P
When I had a garage in south Manchester we had a competition to see how terrified we could make a customer if, for example, we dropped them back home or at the train station. We called it the "motor trade driver of the year award".

A near empty whiskey bottle that had to be moved off the passenger seat as they got in was the usual starter, after we'd dabbed a good bit on our collars. Best (worst..?) was a woman who jumped out at traffic lights and appeared back at the garage an hour to remove her car whilst screaming abuse at my partner.

We were young and making far too much money, but I admit to chuckling to myself now at the memories of some of our antics. Only our own garage hacks were damaged, no people or animals...

My partner was asked if he could make a stop for a guy to post a letter. So he mounted the pavement and crushed the passenger door against the pillarbox and asked if the customer could reach the aperture OK, without getting out and getting wet, for example.... :)

Then there was an old brake pedal we kept in a Citroen, which had a rubber button affair for a brake pedal. We'd find a hill and pretend it had snapped off as we picked it up off the driver's side floor, rapidly gaining speed. Unless you knew some Citroen's had this bizarre rubber button it looked very convincingly as if the brake pedal had snapped off.

Terrible things we did, terrible. Probably have some sort of claim against you nowadays, amazingly we never did get any real flack.
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Just had the worst driving session on a 40 minute round trip. Needed to go to the pharmacy, drop my girlfriend at her brother's, then drop the pharmacy bits at a friend, then home. 4x 7 minute drives. Made a bad call on every step.

First someone pootling at 17 on a 30mph road so shot past them when there was room for me to turn left (a bus lane closes). They decided they wanted to exit there too and tried to just drift into me. My fault for blasting past the ******.

Then parked over 2 driveways' openings, by a watching police car, to drop the medication. When I got back realised I was 2 feet from the kerb :D

Then on autopilot at a junction near home, stopped at a stop line. But because of temporary lights, had to roll back 8 feet towards the previous car, and crane my neck in order to see when they changed.

Hopefully got all my stupid driving out in one day :p
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I've given up now and just undertake, if its a motorway I just cruise by slowly in case they all of a sudden decide to move over, on slip roads I go past full chat. :D
I speed often on NSL roads as well with the mindset the white circle with a black diagonal line means fun time. :)
I used to drive to Scotland a lot at night, and in an average journey up the M74 I would undertake twice as many cars as I would overtake.
People just seem to sit in the middle or right hand lane at about 65mph with no awareness of what's going on around them, especially if the road is quiet.
Driving home came to a place where there are parked cars narrowing the road on my side - there is just about enough space for 2 vehicles to pass if your confident but much more considerate to take turns especially when it is dark - normally I'd have waited but being a touch tired from not sleeping well last night just kind of went for it before I really thought about it making them squeeze past me (I hate it when people do it to me when coming the other way). Didn't help they were dithering about as they approached and my brain kind of went meh.
middle lane If I'm driving at near 70mph, empty motorway, sitting in middle lane is passively safer from blow-out perspective and often avoiding debris/poor-surface - A10/A14 have dilapidated near side lanes, too.
if drivers like below are on the loose, I'm probably going to be bloody minded, and ignore them in my mirror
?? Cruising at 90 is a perfectly normal thing to do on many motorways in the UK at non-peak times.
middle lane If I'm driving at near 70mph, empty motorway, sitting in middle lane is passively safer from blow-out perspective and often avoiding debris/poor-surface - A10/A14 have dilapidated near side lanes, too.
if drivers like below are on the loose, I'm probably going to be bloody minded, and ignore them in my mirror
How is it an empty motorway if there's someone behind you coming past?

On a four lane motorway, which lane do you pick because you're incapable of keeping left like you're supposed to? Do you straddle the line between the centre two lanes to maximise that supposed blow out protection?
Filled my car with petrol last night, nothing unusual. Driving home from work I noticed an HGV driver flashing his lights. "What's he flashing at" I thought. Checked my tyre pressures in case it was that, but no they were fine. Got home and the flap covering the fuelling nozzle wasn't closed properly, so I obviously hadn't closed it properly and it was flapping around in the breeze. :D Anyway, no damage done as far as I could see.
I have, once, in the very distant past, driven off with the oil cap sitting on top of the engine after an oil change - so could be worse!

(Thankfully I realised pretty quickly, didn't lose the cap, and just had to clean some splashes from the underside of the bonnet.)
One of my band mates put the wrong fuel in their car yesterday.
After they finished and put the nozzle back realised their mistake and rang the RAC.
One of my band mates put the wrong fuel in their car yesterday.
After they finished and put the nozzle back realised their mistake and rang the RAC.
My dad did that except he didn't realise until after he'd broken down about 60 seconds later, brand new diesel BMW after always driving petrol cars, put petrol in it on the first refueling... think the whole engine needed replacing
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My dad did that except he didn't realise until after he'd broken down about 60 seconds later, brand new diesel BMW after always driving petrol cars, put petrol in it on the first refueling... think the whole engine needed replacing

She was lucky, RAC got it back to her house and her husband knows his stuff and he removed the wrong fuel.
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