I have a very old-fuddy-duddy opinion about people right now!!
They have had life too good, too easy, and they are as soft as hell! They don't want war to the point where they are completely in denial about it. They have their eyes closed and because of that are an easy target for tin-pot dictators. The people are sending a message to the likes of Putin that we have no political resolve or desire to offer any resistance. In effect, our fear of war is actually dragging us in to one.
We are hopelessly unprepared, both materially and mentally.
If they station nuclear weapons here hopefully we can decommission ours and save the economy £100bns per year since we won't need them. However I doubt that would happen. 100s of countries don't have nuclear weapons and seem to do just fine... It's frightening that we've developed such a strong rhetoric in humanity that we feel it's sensible to be able to destroy ourselves 100x over because of choades with fragile egos.
We don't have any. Well, not land-based. We have submarine based and those are essential for the UK. The reason being that, it is widely believed that we might not be able to launch land-based in time, so if you have limited eggs, better to put them in a submarine that is further away from the Russian launch sites.
But, because our launch systems are not UK but American, we effectively need their permission to launch anyway. Having said that, it is of course, given if we are attacked (The Americans would not expect us NOT to attack if we were attacked first).
Having said that, I would rather trust American nuclear warheads than our own. We literally lost the skills to make these things thanks to government cuts. When we started designing them for our new upcoming subs, we had to return to the text books. We do test them, of course, but even so, it's kinda worrying.