Personally I'm not a fan of letting anyone else look after our defence beyond a reasonable amount - NATO article 5, etc. is all well and good but only obliges rendering of aid and there is no telling what the situation might be. Global politics can, sometimes, change far faster than people think, those who might be our friends today might not be tomorrow.
And sadly if things do kick off it'll likely be the UK amongst the first to get stuck in and some other countries doing everything they can to keep their hands clean of it, even if in reality it risks all our futures including their own.
I think everyone assumed a super power stand off would be simply nukes or nothing.
I think thats now flawed even if it wasn't always flawed.
I don't think for one minute that NATO would nuke first.
As such I think Putin will see that there is a chance for further conquest and that the west isn't going to try that hard to stop it.
Hes got plenty of issues, but Russia is capable of more, its just been weakened by the systematic stripping by him and his cronies.
He can reverse that of course.
If he snowballs a good chunk of Ukraine and maybe a couple of other nations he gains resources and population for zerg attacks.
We aren't exactly shy in advertising how little kit we have either. Chally2 and Leo2 whilst good have been proven to be able to be disabled on the battlefield as well.
NATO, its a massive risk relying on the combined strength. I would expect the sorts who rush to say we should negotiate in Ukraine now would be the same who would say the same about Finland or Sweden or Poland.
There is little point IMO to looking to strengthen the number serving when the reality is we would run out of ammo far faster right now than equipment and people to operate it.
We IMO need a decent plan (oh thats us screwed then with politicians) to bolster ammo, then equipment levels, and only then trained personnel.
Thats more like a 15 year plan to me off the bat.
I love pacifists for their optimism but they tend to be seriously blinkered, take JC as an example.