Your current Fish tank Setups!

They look lovely. :cool:

Well, as I say, I'm using the florsabase substrate which is excellent for plant growth / health, though I have no immediate plans to use CO2. Last night I ordered some java moss, two amazon swords, java moss attached to a coconut base & manzanita wood. Looking forward to adding these to their new home. :)

@ Malt Vinegar : well, I'm not absolutely certain yet. Of course, everything will depend on the water chemistry. Hopefully, some kuhli loaches & other bottom feeders / cats, a red tailed shark and maybe some peacful shoalers. I'd much rather a well understocked tank that contained a happy, balanced environment rather than adding more fish just because I can.

There are some fish I like to toy with the idea of getting, though I certainly won't what with only having a four foot tank (oscar or mbu puffer). :D
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I'm not evenin joking when I say this Tom - have you considered setting up and scaping tanks for people for a fee? I enjoy having mine as a feature, but I don't have the vision or knowledge to construct scapes like that, and they're absolutely stunning.

Just an idea for you ;)
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I'm not evening joking when I say this Tom - have you considered setting up and scaping tanks for people for a fee? I enjoy having mine as a feature, but I don't have the vision of knowledge to construct scapes like that, and they're absolutely stunning.

Just an idea for you ;)

I must admit I've daydreamed a bit along similar lines. I do love the idea but tend to put myself off with the realisation that I have zero capital for startup and a suspicion that most potential clients would want something high tech with quick results, which I have no experience in at all.
You could always just offer services that you can already do for yourself (through word of mouth), and if it takes off you could adjust accordingly.
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Thought I'd stick up a current photo of the tank. Going well, despite serious neglect on my part, and filter cleaning that occurs when I remember and have the time (6 weeks to 2 months usually).

All healthy except for the right hand side of the tank starting to show a bit of BBA lately due to a conservatory being put on the back of the house, so that side of the tank gets daylight most of the time now.
Re-arranged my tank and added some more plants now its coming to the end of the cycle, the previous plants are really starting to get established, the ones I moved had rather large rout balls already. Hopefully should be stocking next weekend.

Tank hit 29.6 today in the heat, but not really much I can do about that on these one off days.

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That looks nice. I like the variety of plants you have there. One of the things I think you can do (if it gets very hot), is to aerate the water as much as possible - like adding an airstone or something.
Re-arranged my tank and added some more plants now its coming to the end of the cycle, the previous plants are really starting to get established, the ones I moved had rather large rout balls already. Hopefully should be stocking next weekend.

Tank hit 29.6 today in the heat, but not really much I can do about that on these one off days.

Float a bag of ice in there and monitor the temp. It will soon drop.
Tank hit 29.6 today in the heat, but not really much I can do about that on these one off days.

Keep the light turned off and the lid open to help the heat dissipate and air circulate.

If the lid is closed then is it harder for the heat to rise and escape.

Some people put tin foil on the outside of the tank, shiny side out, which reflects the heat and the dull side helps to draw heat from the glass (which draws heat from the water) and the heat can dissipate.

Float a bag of ice in there and monitor the temp. It will soon drop.

Bad idea bro.
The idea is to try and keep the temp stable, not for it to rise and drop, rise and drop.
Which is what will happen when you chuck a bag of ice in there.
I have left space for an air stone on the left side for when I pick one up. The right side is already well agitated from the internal filter. I will leave the flaps up and see how much difference it makes.

There is no fish currently so no real need to go further.
Hey first post on my tank. I was set on an all natural tank. I managed to get this tank and stand for £40. Steal if you ask me!

Inside I've got:

3 Blue Rainbow's
3 Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami
3 Flame Dwarf Gourami
3 Glass Catfish
1 Common Plec.

2 Weeks after tank was setup. Just Plants, sub, driftwood and water added


8 weeks, a lot of Co2 tablets, plant fert, a few more plants and fish later

Nice photo.

Is that minnows I see there or glowlight tetras? I was thinking about minnows for my tank. Never had them before.


I've got to say out of all the fish I've kept, the WCMM's are definitely my favourite. I've had zero deaths in all the fish I've had, they seem extremely hardy and healthy, plus they're always very active, and whereas some fish will hide away a lot of the time, they're always scooting around the tank. Thoroughly recommended :).
Just bought a new testing kit (API); surprisingly more accurate than the last one.

Ammonia : 0.25 ppm
Nitrite : 0 ppm
Nitrate : 40 - 80 ppm
pH : 7.6

I'm not bothered by the nitrate, since water changes and plants will sort that out easily. I'm keeping an eye on the ammonia, though.
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One tank down and one still to finish it's cycle in our new house, still got to try and hide the cables somewhere as there is no room left in the cabinet.



Where did you acquire that large piece of wood for your tank Spook?

I have the same style tank and I am struggling to find a good sizeable piece of wood to be the focal point of the tank. Everything I've found either in stores or online so far has been far too small and makes the tank look empty.
Where did you acquire that large piece of wood for your tank Spook?

I have the same style tank and I am struggling to find a good sizeable piece of wood to be the focal point of the tank. Everything I've found either in stores or online so far has been far too small and makes the tank look empty.

I got that piece from aqua essentials, redmoor root is lovely in the tank.

Green machine do plenty but can be dear.

Or you could search flea bay for a bargain.
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