Your current Fish tank Setups!

The cycle on my tank seems to have stalled.

The ammonia > nitrite went really quickly, the first 3ppm went back to zero in a matter of days. But the nitrite never budged 2 weeks and more two ammonia doses later the nitrite was sitting at 20ppm and nitrates barley above tap water levels 30-40ppm. PH is around 8.2 and the water is hard.

I have done a water change to bring the nitrite down to 8 and now the waiting game begins again.

Any advice other than to sit it out?

Jack in the fishless cycle and go fish in. :)

Just keep on top of the water condition with at least daily tests/water changes till it settles down.
I've been testing the water every other day, started doing diluted testing as the kit only goes to 5ppm. Bored of it already but its better in the long run :), I don't have the time to do daily water changes for fish in.

I'll cobble together my proposed stocking of the tank tomorrow, let me know what you think.
What have you got in there?
A few plants would help, bog wood is brilliant at lowering PH.
If you don't have enough space try Indian Almond Leaves.

Clean your filter too (in tank water), I know its been in a fishless state but it can still harbour crap after a few weeks.

I would start with a few danios to be honest and see how they go after a few weeks.
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What have you got in there?
A few plants would help, bog wood is brilliant at lowering PH.
If you don't have enough space try Indian Almond Leaves.

Clean your filter too (in tank water), I know its been in a fishless state but it can still harbour crap after a few weeks.

I'm not sure that causing the Ph difference, my natural Ph is 7.4. I have a few fast and slow growing plants in there and 2 bits of bog wood. I think the gravel or tetra complete is causing the Ph to rise. The natural Ph of my tap water is 7.4 according to my water company and the 24 hour stood tests I have done.

I cleaned the filter out at the weekend having had it running for 4 weeks and yes it was filled with yellow rubbish I assume must be from the gravel. I have been changing the poly wool weekly though as that gets dirty very quickly. I don't plan on changing anything else in the filter as the manual suggests, goes against the logic of it. I do plan on removing the carbon once everything is up and running and adding more biological media.

As for the cycle, the water change seems to have kick started things. Nitrite went from 8 to 2 in 2 days so back on track. Probably time to start daily testing.
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it wont be the substrate.
If your water is hard (Kh), it can create swings in ph overnight. Aeration is the simplest method for this. RO/tap water combo is the more expensive but long term fix if you have a crappy water supply and it ends up noticeably affecting fish.

Of course you can use chemicals, but its not really fixing the issues and im never a fan of them.
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My water is hard, but all of the fish I have been looking at should be ok with the Ph and hardness as it is currently. I don't have an air stone though but I could add one easily.

I was plan on the final stocking being:

5 Pearl Gourami
1 or 2 Pleco
8 Bloodfin Tetra
8 Glowlight Danio
8 Platy (unsure on these due to the prolific breeding)
5-10 shrimp

The tank is 180L W100xD41XH45
I'll be first to admit I know absolutely nothing about fish, but I thought I'd have a look to see what fish tanks some of you guys had. I have to say some of the setups you guys have got a breath taking, and some of the photo's of those setups are incredible. I've only looked through the first few pages and I'm already seriously impressed. Fantastic guys and girls :D
My water is hard, but all of the fish I have been looking at should be ok with the Ph and hardness as it is currently. I don't have an air stone though but I could add one easily.

I was plan on the final stocking being:

5 Pearl Gourami
1 or 2 Pleco
8 Bloodfin Tetra
8 Glowlight Danio
8 Platy (unsure on these due to the prolific breeding)
5-10 shrimp

The tank is 180L W100xD41XH45

All those fish are of a decent size and your be overstocked.

Lose the platys and your be fine, Shrimp are a risk as always due to being eaten. Your be looking at weekly water changes due to the bioload. (Fun!)
Lose the platys and your be fine, Shrimp are a risk as always due to being eaten. Your be looking at weekly water changes due to the bioload. (Fun!)

Yes I had a look on there and it did suggest being slightly overstocked with the platy, but then anther site suggests it being not with the platy in there. So ill probably loose those and 1 pleco to be on the safer side.

If there is one thing I have found with being new to fish keeping is that there is no correct answer and most sites tend to give contradicting information.

Anyone know much about actually keeping the Gourrrami? Some sites seem to suggest keeping 2-4 is a bad idea and one will look a bit lost in a tank this size.
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New tank is up :)

120x120x45cm, 576 litres. Naturally lit from a skylight, its going to be a Venezuelan morichal biotope. First fish just went in (a dozen otos), the rest of the stocking is still to be decided.

Beautiful tank, though don't you worry about fish jumping out (I seem to recall there was no 'top' to the last tank)?

I've never had a jumper and all my tanks have been open topped. I just avoid very surface oriented species or known jumpers (hatchetfish, wild Betta species etc). Most fish only jump when startled or stressed so as long as the tank is peaceful and they have plenty of cover it shouldn't be an issue.

Another trick some people use is to cover the tank corners with triangles of acrylic as the that's where most fish jump.
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All well and good then. :)

If anyone is reading, I wouldn't mind some advice. Recently, I've started cycling my tank (currently fishless). Today marks the start of the fourth week, and so far these are my results. I should add that the nitrite is a little higher than I've experienced in previous set ups, due to me adding a little too much fish food at the beginning. Naturally, it's taken a little time to come down.

Ammonia : 0 - I think
Nitrite : 0.1 (or slightly less)
Nitrate : 5 or less
pH : (hard to be dead precise due to colour comparisons) 7.0 - no higher than 7.4
GH : somewhere between 0 - 60mg bracket, so soft water
KH : 20 - 80mg bracket

I'm considering adding one or two hardy fish this weekend that fit in with the above readings, along with a few plants and something for cover like a rock. Now, does anyone have any knowledge with regard to what fish / plants would suit my numbers above, and also what rocks would be safe to put in after boiling?

I'll have a look around myself and see if I can come up with some ideas. I know danios are popular for situations like these, though I would like some more options.

Tank is a rena 46 UK gallon (210 litres I think), with columbo florabase substrate present.
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All well and good then. :)

If anyone is reading, I wouldn't mind some advice. Recently, I've started cycling my tank (currently fishless). Today marks the start of the fourth week, and so far these are my results. I should add that the nitrite is a little higher than I've experienced in previous set ups, due to me adding a little too much fish food at the beginning. Naturally, it's taken a little time to come down.

Ammonia : 0 - I think
Nitrite : 0.1 (or slightly less)
Nitrate : 5 or less
pH : (hard to be dead precise due to colour comparisons) 7.0 - no higher than 7.4
GH : somewhere between 0 - 60mg bracket, so soft water
KH : 20 - 80mg bracket

I'm considering adding one or two hardy fish this weekend that fit in with the above readings, along with a few plants and something for cover like a rock. Now, does anyone have any knowledge with regard to what fish / plants would suit my numbers above, and also what rocks would be safe to put in after boiling?

I'll have a look around myself and see if I can come up with some ideas. I know danios are popular for situations like these, though I would like some more options.

Tank is a rena 46 UK gallon (210 litres I think), with columbo florabase substrate present.

Ok, so in terms of adding hardy fish, what are you hoping to stock in future? You try to find something that will fit in with your, unless you are going to find them alternate accommodation afterwards, in which case go for whatever is cheap at the lfs!

Rock wise, use the vinegar trick to see if it is safe to add to the tank. If it reacts when vinegar is dropped on it, don't use it. If it does nothing, it should be inert and safe.

When looking at plants, what supplements are you using, and are you adding CO2? Kings Day is the plant master around here, so will let him comment on that side :) Although, that said you will need to think about what fish you are adding as often some fish will destroy plants or uproot them as part of their natural behaviours.
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The vast majority of plants won't mind what your water hardness or pH are, they just care about ferts and having an appropriate co2/light balance.

Added four Nannostomus eques yesterday (they were the last ones in the shop, will add another half a dozen when they get more in). Really lovely fish, very peaceful and were already spawning this morning.


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