Could do with a bit of advice here.
I'm more or less certain one of my cherry barbs has a swim bladder problem; he 'hangs' around the middle of the tank head down at approximately a 35 degree angle.
So far, what I've gathered is the following. Please chip in with any thoughts.
stop feeding flake food (remove dried bloodworm the last);
could try turning up the temps to speed up his metabolism a bit (currently @ 26C);
try frozen peas with the shells removed;
use some epsom salt / magnesium sulphate;
a live meal of daphnia / bloodworm should help / prevent it from recurring;
stop feeding altogether for a few days;
temporarily lower the water level to reduce the pressure on his body;
The other thing I have noticed is that since going over to using the salifert testing kit range, the nitrate level is higher than detected on the lower quality API one. Does seachem do anything to help with this? The only product of theirs that I've got at the mo is prime.