Your current Fish tank Setups!

Stunning tank and fish there Rich:)

I have the dreaded bryopsis algae at the moment been fighting it with Continumm Magnesium and i think it's getting there very slowly:(

Here is my tank as it stands today.


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That is utterly stunning! I wouldn't need a TV if I had that.

Very nicely done w3bbo :cool:

Thanks Rob. I have a 60" TV in the living room but all it seems to play is Eastenders, masterchef and Cheshire Housewives (married life sucks sometimes). So I just lose myself in the tank :)

Stunning tank and fish there Rich:)

I have the dreaded bryopsis algae at the moment been fighting it with Continumm Magnesium and i think it's getting there very slowly:(

Cheers pal. I don't know if its still available but Kent Tech-M worked for me in getting rid of Bryopsis. A Foxface also gave a helping hand :).

I would love a Helfrichi but I don't know how well that would go down with my Triggers. They nailed a blue spot jawfish within seconds of it going in the tank and they have a similar body shape :( so not willing to risk another £70 meal!
Aye the read about the Kent Tech-M but they have changed what's inside the bottle now:( Continumm is my only chance now and it does seem to working very slowly which is better than nothing:)
I'm currently in the process of a "re-model" on my aquarium (nothing large, just an 80L tropical tank).
I'm going to be adding a "bubble wall" across the back of the tank, running for about 45cm.
Can anyone recommend an air pump that is not too expensive, not very loud and will be happy sending bubbles out of a 45cm bubble wall?

Got new tank with 4 Chromis fish and Bloody Shrimp running well for 5 days :), also added reef rock but what are these behind it? it looks like aiptasia anyone know and is it dangerous to fish?

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You need to take action and get aiptasia under control otherwise it will take over the whole tank and kill your corals, i use aiptasia x from Red sea good to see them implode:eek:, get yourself some pepermint shrimp they eat aiptasia.
You need to take action and get aiptasia under control otherwise it will take over the whole tank and kill your corals, i use aiptasia x from Red sea good to see them implode:eek:, get yourself some pepermint shrimp they eat aiptasia.

Thanks man will get some peppermint shrimps and see if they can get rid of them. Cheers yeh I am seeing big and small ones around them that part of the rock :S
Not had much luck the last couple of weeks; our guppies are gradually dying off, everything else in the tank seems healthy, and the water parameters are fine. Whenever I'm watching the tank the fish don't seem to be bothering each other, and the dead ones I've found don't look like they've been nipped or anything.

I'm wondering if it's just because they are weak due to inbreeding; although one of our Mollies randomly died as well :(

The only other thing is our water is quite soft and I've read that livebearers prefer harder water, so it might be that?

Anyway, we've decided no more guppies/mollies, so need to figure out what to put in there instead.

200l tank, currently have:

Bristlenose Pleco
10 Neon Tetra
1 Female Dalmatian Molly
1 Male guppy (probably not for long :()

Thinking of maybe a blue Dwarf Gourami, although I'm not sure if it'll go for the Neons.

Alternatively some more schooling fish, e.g. raspboras (galaxy/harlequin/chili) or some other small tetras, e.g. glowlights or rummy nose.

Thoughts on what would go well in the tank?

The other option I guess is to get a new smaller tank (as the current one is quite tatty), and keep it pretty much as is - do you think the betta would be ok going in with the others or would we end up with dead fishies? :/
Not had much luck the last couple of weeks; our guppies are gradually dying off, everything else in the tank seems healthy, and the water parameters are fine. Whenever I'm watching the tank the fish don't seem to be bothering each other, and the dead ones I've found don't look like they've been nipped or anything.

I'm wondering if it's just because they are weak due to inbreeding; although one of our Mollies randomly died as well :(

The only other thing is our water is quite soft and I've read that livebearers prefer harder water, so it might be that?

Anyway, we've decided no more guppies/mollies, so need to figure out what to put in there instead.

200l tank, currently have:

Bristlenose Pleco
10 Neon Tetra
1 Female Dalmatian Molly
1 Male guppy (probably not for long :()

Thinking of maybe a blue Dwarf Gourami, although I'm not sure if it'll go for the Neons.

Alternatively some more schooling fish, e.g. raspboras (galaxy/harlequin/chili) or some other small tetras, e.g. glowlights or rummy nose.

Thoughts on what would go well in the tank?

The other option I guess is to get a new smaller tank (as the current one is quite tatty), and keep it pretty much as is - do you think the betta would be ok going in with the others or would we end up with dead fishies? :/

What are the readings for: pH ammonia nitrite nitrate GH & temperature?
What are the readings for: pH ammonia nitrite nitrate & GH?

Using an API liquid test kit:

PH: 7.2-7.4
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate varies between 10-40ppm depending on how long since I did a water change (do ~25% every weekend)

I don't have a test for GH, but going on what Severn Trent state for our postcode, our water is considered "soft":

CaCO3 mg/l: 0 – 50
Ca mg/l: 0 – 20
Clark Degrees: 2.80
French Degrees: 4.00
German Degrees: 2.24
i have a question,hopefully someone can help me.

Do i really need an Air pump in a 150L tank with 3 goldfish in it?..i have a VERY good Fluval 306 tank filter thats rated capable of twice the size of my tank so..the reason i ask is because air pumps are just too noisy :(

I've tried several air pumps in the past when the old one has died and none have been quiet,Just wondering if i can do away with it and maybe have it so the water is just below a level of the water return line so that it creates some bubbles?
i have a question,hopefully someone can help me.

Do i really need an Air pump in a 150L tank with 3 goldfish in it?..i have a VERY good Fluval 306 tank filter thats rated capable of twice the size of my tank so..the reason i ask is because air pumps are just too noisy :(

I've tried several air pumps in the past when the old one has died and none have been quiet,Just wondering if i can do away with it and maybe have it so the water is just below a level of the water return line so that it creates some bubbles?

No, as long as there is movement at the water line, oxygen will get into the tank through the turnover the water.
i have a question,hopefully someone can help me.

Do i really need an Air pump in a 150L tank with 3 goldfish in it?..i have a VERY good Fluval 306 tank filter thats rated capable of twice the size of my tank so..the reason i ask is because air pumps are just too noisy :(

I've tried several air pumps in the past when the old one has died and none have been quiet,Just wondering if i can do away with it and maybe have it so the water is just below a level of the water return line so that it creates some bubbles?

For 3 goldfish, you should be looking at a 180l tank minimum, going on current responsible fishkeeping thoughts.

The real world flow rate of a 306 will be something like ~900lph, if you have the output near the water surface providing plenty of rippling, it will be fine.
Okay sounds good,Looks like i can do away with that air pump then they're just too noisy.

I thought about getting a Pleco as i heard they help keep the tank clean and the Algae off the glass etc,But was unsure if one would cause my goldfish issues as i hear they also like to eat the slime off of them :D

Plus with you mentioning i should have at least 180l tank for 3 goldfish,Maybe adding anything more would be a bit too much but the tank looks a little too empty to me,I only have one ornament in it,No artificial plants or anything..just one ornament and the bricks at the bottom obviously. :)
Okay sounds good,Looks like i can do away with that air pump then they're just too noisy.

I thought about getting a Pleco as i heard they help keep the tank clean and the Algae off the glass etc,But was unsure if one would cause my goldfish issues as i hear they also like to eat the slime off of them :D

Plus with you mentioning i should have at least 180l tank for 3 goldfish,Maybe adding anything more would be a bit too much but the tank looks a little too empty to me,I only have one ornament in it,No artificial plants or anything..just one ornament and the bricks at the bottom obviously. :)

If you get a pleco, stick some bogwood in there as they like to both nibble on it, and hide in it.

Also, make sure it's not a common pleco as they get to about 30cm! We have a little Bristlenose and they grow to about 7-10cm at most.
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