Your current Fish tank Setups!

I have a few decorations and fake plants etc, heres a vid,, excuse the corny music, it's better than listening to my GF in the background moan that she's spent £30 on fish and it's my fault they aren't getting along because I should be some kind of ****ing fish whisperer :rolleyes:, they are all male endlers, I was thinking maybe the endlers we're mistaking the tetras for female, maybe you can tell by the video.

Odd indeed, i have a baby platy in my tank who follows my glowlight tetras about but he thinks he's one of them and tries to shoal with them. I don't know what else to suggest
My folks bought me an Interpet River Reef 48 for my birthday. Set it up yesterday and it's now cycling. I love the filtration system compared to my Fluval Edge and the flow rate is much increased, although I've added my flow head anyway. Can't wait to get some critters in there, and also try again with coral. I'm hoping that the fact that the lid comes off completely rather than a small access hatch like the Edge will make cleaning a breeze in comparison. I've got the Edge still running as it's got a few hermits that I'll transfer over, but otherwise it'll be retired and deep cleaned.
I get home from work one day about 2 months ago, to my GF saying the neighbours across the road (who she's friends with) were getting rid of their fish tank, and could we have it since she'd always wanted fish.

As the dutiful and loving boyfriend, I of course say yes, expecting it to be a small 40-60L or so tank. Pop over to their later that evening house only to find a huge 200L tank waiting to be carried across the road! Needless to say, that was a fun experience!

As far as I can tell, it's an Aqua One Aquareef 200, and it seems quite a nice tank (although my experience is limited). When we got it, it was stocked with:

  • 3 Tinfoil Barb
  • Clown Loach
  • Bristlenose Pleco
  • 8 Black Phantom Tetra

Have had a very intensive few weeks learning about fish since then, unfortunately we lost the tinfoils, clown loach and Black Phantoms to an outbreak of white spot just after we got it :(

Anyway, now we have:

  • Bristlenose Pleco
  • 10 Neon Tetra
  • 2 Dalmatian Molly
  • 6 Male guppy

Here's a couple of pics (looking a bit empty before we put the guppies in this weekend).



And a video taken this evening just after feeding time (excuse the music, ended up catching me talking rubbish to my 4 year old :p)

It's still a bit of a work in progress - the guy we got it from had it set up to look quite natural (which I actually like), but my GF wanted a bit more colour, so we're gradually swapping the ornaments etc - think we're going to put black gravel in, and need something a bit taller to fill the empty space in the middle (I want a big pirate ship :p)

Unfortunately we've now got a severe case of MTS, so here's another little fella we picked up at the weekend:




Still need to think of a name for him!
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No idea how easy, but the guy who had our tank was running it as marine before, probably not too hard as long as you wash all the salt out and change the filter media, as tropical are generally a lot more forgiving
Well I am going again with marines and have ordered a 150l tank, and already have most things like refractometer, Seachem Prime,API Saltwater test kit,and have bought Air Pump and Circulations and Seachem Stability.

Has anyone here used Booster pump for 3 stage RO filter? as I can't wait hours and hours for RO water production. Also would it be possible to have 20% water change every 2 weeks for 150l tank if it had fishes/corals as that what I want to have in very near future?

1. Yes i use a booster pump made production and waster much better. Altho still takes 2/3 hours to make 30ltrs at 100psi. Altho you can buy higher gph kits than mine

2. You won't be using prime with rodi, Prime will have no purpose. You will need salt dd h20 my preference.

3. Not sure what air pump is for dont think ive ever seen a airstone on a marine setup.

4. 10% per week would be better than 20% every 2 imo
Ok cheers, Can any1 recommend me what external filter for about £100 or below, I do have Tetratec EX800 plus in another tank but would like to try something else. something super efficient and very quiet. Thanks
Ok cheers, Can any1 recommend me what external filter for about £100 or below, I do have Tetratec EX800 plus in another tank but would like to try something else. something super efficient and very quiet. Thanks

you wouldn't use a filter as you would with a tropical tank.

you should start researching sumps or [as I use] a modified HOB sump
Rubbish photo, I got back into the hobby after a break for a few years, made up a little tank in the kitchen for my little boy to watch. 5 guppies, 2 polkadot loaches and will get a gourami later on.
I thought external filters wud still be ok for marine? I already went off and ordered Fluval 206 lol,hope its ok.

Not unless you clean the filter once everyother day they become nitrite factories

I run a small piece of floss in my hob to catch any big particles and change it every day.

Theres people here whove been marine keeping for much longer than me so i may be mistaken but my research led me to believe the above.
Switched to black sand from white and painted the background and some of the fake rocks/caves and IMO looks a lot better as a result.
Only have 9 black ruby barbs and 4 cardinal tetras currently (had 10 originally). Otocinclus vestitus coming on Friday to hopefully help with this annoying brown algae issue I've currently got. More stocking to follow, but aside from the otto cats, all new fish will go through quarantine after the cardinals I got introduced some sort of disease which killed 6 of them and my opaline gourami. The ottos I'm taking a "risk" with as the algae problem is unsightly and I think is harming my plants now.
The quarantine tank is still cycling but I'm hoping will be done in 2 to 3 weeks. Will then up the cardinals and add other fish.


Still having high nitrates since my tap water is at least 50ppm. The JBL BioNitratEx I added hasn't shown any results and my plants don't seem to be soaking it up either. Very frustrating :/
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From what I recall reading, Nitrate "treatments" won't actually change the result of the water tests on the amount of Nitrates in the water, but it becomes insoluble / harmless in the water.

I have the same issue, 40ppm from the tap here :(
Ammonia and Nitrite have always been zero. I don't have the patience to deal with ro or the Pozzani. As you say, 40ppm is not 'bad' and I don't suffer any fish livestock losses, some of my WCCM are almost two years old now but I have to avoid some of the more sensitive species.

It took me a LONG time to get an established shrimp colony though, they are far more sensitive, I dont think any of my shop-bought shrimp lasted very long, only my second generation (i.e. born in the tank) have survived.
BioNitratEx isn't a chemical. It's a filter bag (or 8 in my case) that goes in your external filter, which cultivates and feeds a bacteria which consumes nitrates and in turn releases nitrogen. Seems to work for a lot of people but not for me so far. I've tried moving it and will see if the next few weeks prove if it's had any effect. I've heard it needs a low oxygen environment so I'm thinking of putting some behind the 3d background, removing the air stone I've got there at the moment to stop the water stagnating, and see if that improves anything.
An RO unit wouldn't work for me unless there's some sort of in line one that operates separately from the tap (like a standard external filter), as I use the python no spill system to exchange my tank water and I'm not going back to buckets with a tank this size. I don't have anywhere to store the approx 100 odd litres of water I change each week either.
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