If you get a pleco, stick some bogwood in there as they like to both nibble on it, and hide in it.
Also, make sure it's not a common pleco as they get to about 30cm! We have a little Bristlenose and they grow to about 7-10cm at most.
If you get a pleco, stick some bogwood in there as they like to both nibble on it, and hide in it.
Also, make sure it's not a common pleco as they get to about 30cm! We have a little Bristlenose and they grow to about 7-10cm at most.
If you get a pleco, stick some bogwood in there as they like to both nibble on it, and hide in it.
Also, make sure it's not a common pleco as they get to about 30cm! We have a little Bristlenose and they grow to about 7-10cm at most.
Think a WEATHER LOACH would be okay?
Thanks for the heads up on the Bristlenose though.
@Haggisman - Not sure if you can even get them for my filter,Il have a look could be a good solution.
They are highly social, so best in 10+ groups and they are very active at dawn and dusk, my old group would do continuous laps around their 150x60x60cm.
Just like goldfish, they eat a lot and produce a lot of waste.
This waste issue is why your three goldfish should be in at least a 180l to themselves, to help maintain water quality. Given you have them in a 150l, you should probably be doing three ~33% water changes per week.
3 months after using injected c02 and EI ferts the java fern on the left had one rotting away leaf when i started , been getting one new leaf growing every week.
and the jungle val at the back seems to grow inches per day loads of runners too needs another trim
need a couple of small foreground plants me thinks.
Odd one here for you.
Before i turned the tank off last night i was looking at the fish and couldnt see my swordtail, put it down to he must have found a good hiding spot. Turned the lights on this morning and still couldnt find him, went out and just come back and still couldnt see him so i have moved the cabinet and fishtank to see if he's commited arry carry and there he is on floor under the cabinet.
Picked him up with some tissue ready to put him in the bin... he started wriggling... not knowing what to do i have chucked him straight back in the tank.
Hes swimming about like nothing has happened? How long can fish survive for out of water, i thought it was 10min or so...
Plants are a rival for the fish there, looks great