Skimmer went nuts why i was at work and overflowed damnit. 90% sure ill find a starfish jammed in impeller.
U love asterina? I find them a good little cleaner crew but they do find there way into my sump which is annoying
Thanks guys, this thread is invaluable...
So everything but the 5 metre plug bar has arrived and I've started slowly filling the tank as am having to use a jug and wanted to leak test. Got a lot of condensation on the outside of the glass to the water line but guessing thats normal.
Can't wait to see his reaction on Sunday
Personally for me the Denerle is the nicer tank, but it is less user friendly. The Flex is the safer option, I just personally no not like the black silicone.
The lid isn't great on the Denerle because of the gaps, its mostly there to stop evaporation and fish jumping out rather than to stop anything getting in but it is possible for critters to past the lid. You don't need a big filter on the Denerle, you can get away with just using an Ehiem surface skimmer or the smallest hang-on-back/internal filters available. Even the smallest external filters are far too powerful. The one it comes with is a bit low on the flow side but it shrimp safe, getting caught in the trap of buying replacement filters is mostly just that.
When you say in the kitchen, what do you mean? It's hard to imagine as my kitchen is tiny and the only place for it would be on a work top. The only thing I can think of for a kitchen is that its much more likely that you are going to be spraying cleaning products about in there. I don't think it would be a problem if you take care, don't do anything silly like spraying over the thank or on the tank (or in it!).
I see you are in London, is Aqua Depot anywhere near you? That shop is meant to be good for wood/rocks and plants.
I would personally buy a small heater you can hide, I have a 25w fluval edge heater in my denerle 35l.
For a filter it’s really about personal preference and what you find the lease repulsive. Given it’s on a counter top Something small and internal like a fluval mini would be my go to.
Another alternative is a hang on back or the denerle scapers flow.
The light is more difficult, any preference on style (strip, pendent, hanging, gooseneck etc.)? Do you want to try and grow difficult plants?
The denerle kit it’s self comes with a light which is fine for easy plats. I wouldn’t be too worried about it being in a kitchen to be honest.
@ddoubleep have you considered/thought if your countertop can take the weight of a fishtank that large.
Water is roughly 1kg per ltr so your gonna be putting 40kg of water + the tank itself and any equipment/gravel/rock etc.
If you want to put it in the kitchen id be looking at something rougly half that size Unless you can fit a stand somewhere.
I had a fulval spec 19ltr aquarium and ran sucesfuly as a reef tank with a couple of modifications. They are great tanks for
The money
Unfortunatly i cant find any better pictures of it but was easily growing coral. Had some sexy shrimp in there aswell as a small goby. Much more interesting and more of a focal point than a freshwater tank imo
Edit:- found a better pic
Countertop will be fine assuming it’s not over a large stretch with no support underneath. The weight is spread out over the entire stretch.
You gotta think a sink full of water is easily 30L and plus the weight of a double enamel sink that’s just supported around the rim Where a huge hole is cut out of it.
Mine can take my weight easily and I am much much heavier.
small tanks will be fine on your worktop
thats a 55 and 35 scapers tank and a i got a 20 l fluval tank to the side , both tanks have one of these for lighting , no problems growing plants under them , ive never dosed any ferts/co2 (mainly cos theyre shrimp tanks) either, jus recently stipped down the smaller shrimp/puffer tank and took out a ton of bacopa that was over 4ft long in places and nearly a Lb of java mossre-carpeted it with some 10p seeds from aliexpress