Your current Fish tank Setups!

So definitely think my little heater is playing up, it's been turned down again and yet the water temperature has hit 30c!!!

I don't want to spend £50+ right now, what's the best heater I can get that's reliable for my Fluval edge?
When I had my edge (46L) I was using the Fluval E 100w (£32.99). Never had any issues with it. I did have the 50w one first, but found that it was struggling to maintain temperature, but the 100w version done the job.
Yup sounds like that's stuck on.

You got a betta and cherry shrimp right? I would probably unplug it, if it gets much hotter it will cook the fish.

Get a new one tomorrow from a local store but you'll be limited to whats available locally.

My LFS stocks Oase, garden centre has Fluval E series, either are fine. Id be temped to the Fluval because its black but its more expensive.
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So definitely think my little heater is playing up, it's been turned down again and yet the water temperature has hit 30c!!!

I don't want to spend £50+ right now, what's the best heater I can get that's reliable for my Fluval edge?

Eheim thermopreset heater 100w, its preset at 25c £22 no setting up just plonk in away you go, I use one in my nano marine no problem.
Heater sorted, temp normalised around 26c atm... Weekly water change done, and my lad got 6 penguin tetra as he loved the way they school together at the shop.

Think we're done stocking the tank now as I'm concerned about the bio load, though one of the shrimp seems to have upped and vanished like a fart in the wind. No sign of it. Not even in the filter.

Next piece of equipment is a better gravel cleaner the one I got from pets at home is okay for draining water but doesn't have enough suck to pull any gunk off the bottom.

Definitely realising the limitations of the fluval edge the narrow opening at the top, proprietary design of the filter which seems lack luster and difficulty to fiddle around inside really making me want to migrate to a better tank design.
Get a canister filter instead. You only need to clean them every few months. Sometimes not even that often on the good ones, you just clean the pre-filter and do weekly water changes.
^^ He has a Fluval Edge. Ignoring the issues of fitting an external filter on a proprietary tank like the Edge it's only only 46L, even the smallest canister filters are far too powerful.

Vidar, don't bother with any of those powered gravel vacs, they are a waste of money. Just grab a small siphon hose with a small cylinder on the end.
^^ He has a Fluval Edge. Ignoring the issues of fitting an external filter on a proprietary tank like the Edge it's only only 46L, even the smallest canister filters are far too powerful.

Vidar, don't bother with any of those powered gravel vacs, they are a waste of money. Just grab a small siphon hose with a small cylinder on the end.
Not so I have an external on my Interpet Insight 30l, been far better than the included filter.

It's perfect power for my tank, but mostly I wanted more media capacity it even came with decent media, and it's silent.
had a go at bleaching my anubias plants they been drifting around the tank for week was going to throw them but there are still growing i noticed a new leaf forming off one of them , they looked shocking though after brown alge bloom got some off normally.

But some of it just wouldn't shift i used 5% bleach solution as per instructions in this video below and gently rubbed each leave with a kitchen sponge after 5 mins of soaking.

then soaked in dechlorinated water put loads of the interpet stuff i use in the bowl for 45 mins and then rinsed off under the tap.

i used asda smart price thin bleach under 5% it says on the bottle cheapest stuff they do ,you don't want to use any thick stuff or scented





back in the tank

wished i'd took a in tank before pic because aglae looks even worse under aquarium lights brown stuff seems to have gone for the most part seeing a little bit on the glass but not like before . the green algae you can see on the gravel is what I'm battling now, it forms two days after a water change roughly currently tanks light on for 8 hours no c02 or ferts at the moment.

I'm going to leave them floating for a few days then attach them too that straight piece of bogwood in the last pic there is a powerhead in the corner i can sink further perhaps some flow across the plants might help ?

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Definitely realising the limitations of the fluval edge the narrow opening at the top, proprietary design of the filter which seems lack luster and difficulty to fiddle around inside really making me want to migrate to a better tank design.

I was in the same boat. You really have to have a clean/minimal setup for the edge, otherwise doing things like cleaning algae off the glass becomes a real pain, not to mention trying to catch the fish with a net with that small opening, uh :(. In the end, I upgraded my 70L tank to a 200L and replaced my edge with the 70L. Much easier to maintain now.
@b0rn2sk8 I got a cyphon with a cylinder on it for cleaning the substrate, the one with the blue squeeze ball on it so you don't get a mouth full of tank water. It just doesn't seem to have enough suction to clean anything off the sand, stuff will go up a little and then drop out again straight away. Just need to get a better one I think.

If funds allowed I'd replace this tank tomorrow with at least 100 litre for my lad.
Heater sorted, temp normalised around 26c atm... Weekly water change done, and my lad got 6 penguin tetra as he loved the way they school together at the shop.

Think we're done stocking the tank now as I'm concerned about the bio load, though one of the shrimp seems to have upped and vanished like a fart in the wind. No sign of it. Not even in the filter.

Next piece of equipment is a better gravel cleaner the one I got from pets at home is okay for draining water but doesn't have enough suck to pull any gunk off the bottom.

Definitely realising the limitations of the fluval edge the narrow opening at the top, proprietary design of the filter which seems lack luster and difficulty to fiddle around inside really making me want to migrate to a better tank design.

I suspect you really have bought six of the "False Penguin Tetras." They get far too big and active for a Fluval Edge, I wouldn't keep them in anything smaller than a 90x30x30cm tank.

As a social species, it will do so much better and look better in a bigger group of 10+, in a mature tank setup of more suitable length.

In my opinion, Fluval Edges should not be sold as fish tanks, they are overpriced transparent sardine cans for people who like the novelty of keeping fish but often don't think of the fishes' needs. Not to mention, such tiny volumes of water are easily turned into toxic soup, especially in the hands of fishkeeping rookies who often get too many fish too soon and consequently completely overwhelming the vital ammonia and nitrite bacterial colonies.

Fish shop sales people will often tell you what you want to hear for a sale of fish, get into the habit of doing fish requirement research and then buy the fish. It will save you money and heartache, while possibly saving the lives of fish.

When I started keeping freshwater fish in 2010, like many I was paranoid about having a heater active in every tank all year round, set somewhere in the 24C ballpark. A year or so later, I read . I then removed heaters from all my indoor tanks and then only activated the heater in my garage Rio400 from around November to April... My five active indoor tanks contain a mix of low-end and mid tropical temperature fish, including species such as Congo Tetras and Dwarf Chain Loaches. The ambient room temp means these tanks' temps change through the seasons, typically ~21C in the winter and u to ~29C in heatwaves like last summer. The garage tank is a colony of sub tropical Mexican livebearers (Limones Goodeids), the heater is turned on down there during the winter to keep the temp above 18C.
@b0rn2sk8 I got a cyphon with a cylinder on it for cleaning the substrate, the one with the blue squeeze ball on it so you don't get a mouth full of tank water. It just doesn't seem to have enough suction to clean anything off the sand, stuff will go up a little and then drop out again straight away. Just need to get a better one I think.

If funds allowed I'd replace this tank tomorrow with at least 100 litre for my lad.

just found this video if your struggling to get detritus off planted tank or sand substrate a turkey baster ingenious

I'm using this on mine.


interpet large size gravel vac you can get a smaller one

but you don't need one with a ball btw lay the plastic bit down in the water let it fill with water as much as possible then tip it upright you'll see the water in the plastic part if you have done it properly and created a vacuum , then stabbing motion at a angle a few times in the tank obviously keep the end submerged too keep the seal / vacuum it will start the siphon.

i use that method on my 120 litre .
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^^ same, I have a small and a big one.

I have fully planed tanks so I never gravel vac. I just use the hose part (took the cylinder off) for maximum suction and a huge turkey baster if I need some targeted cleaning.
Did a full range of tests 3 days ago on my tank which led to afew things cropping up as bad

Magnesium had dropped to 1150ppm
Calcium was 375ppm

Slowly dosing them back up
I'm struggling to source the Dennerle 35L tank on it's own. Tried to call ProShrimp but they never pick up!

I might have to turn my attention to a rimless tank. Seen a few on the auction website and some companies who do bespoke sizing. Anyone got a rimless tank?
Don’t aqua depot stock them?

I didn't see it on the website. Will have to ring around.

I didn't want the complete set as wanted to source my own filter and light setup hence looked at solo tank.

I've seen some rimless tanks that fit into the kitchen space but they are just over a £100 for those ultra clear ones. The auction one's are cheaper but finish is so-so. 3 on ebay but ship from germany !?
or from france

Pro shrimp (afaik) are the only place in the UK that stock the 35l by itself (ive spent hours looking on google for another one for myself :D)

NDaquatics would be my 2nd choice if u cant source one but prob will cost more (e.g been quoted £110 for a rimless 50cm cube in 10mm float glass , + 22£ a side for optiwhite)
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