Your current Fish tank Setups!

Can you guys recommend a couple of really easy plants for my lads tank to inject a bit more colour that will be good with sand substrate.

Colour? Fake plants

Dont think ive seen any non green aquarium plants. If you want green then look for anubis plants, can get them pre attached to a nice big of bog wood
I think you need special/expensive lighting setups for colourful plants to maintain their colour. I have a young plant which has a shade of pink on the leaves, but it's slowly all turning green under my normal LED lighting.

Sand alone can be harder to grow stuff in, not everything will work all that well or it will spread extremely slowly. I know my hair grass wont.
You can get red and brown plants but they are much harder to grow. Most just go green because they don’t get enough fertiliser and light to keep them red.

Crypt wendetai brown will normally stay brown under low light and are easy to grow, there are a number of green varieties that are green or a mix of brown and green that are pretty easy.

Crypts are interesting because they grow differently depending on the conditions, I have some wendetai green that are bright green and others that are much darker and some that are brown/green at the base of the leaves, the only difference is the light they get. They all came from the same mother plant. They are also pretty hard to kill which is a good thing.

That’s about it though under the lights you have, I think the red stem plants would just go green in the tall Fluval Edge but happy to be corrected on that.

Fake plants could be a good shout, make sure you decent get silk ones, the plastic ones are a bit naff especially in a small tank where you will be petty close to them. They look better once they have been in the tank a few weeks.

Mixing fake and real does also work, real anubias and crypts in the front and middle, fake red stems in the back.
Can you guys recommend a couple of really easy plants for my lads tank to inject a bit more colour that will be good with sand substrate.

Assuming it's a tropical tank you can't really go wrong with anubias or java fern. both can be attached (tied) to rocks or wood as they don't need to be planted in the substrate.
Got distracted on a few other things but noticed the Dennerle 35L LED Set is back in stock so will order that. I was thinking about what to stock it with. Am I better off with a school of Chilli Rasbora or Green Neon Tetra along with some Shrimp? Could I get a Betta in there longterm or not worth the hassle? Is there a strong chance the Shrimp may escape the tank given that the glass topper leaves a gap? Anything else interesting I could populate the 35L with?

I was thinking to carpet it with Staurogyne repens but unsure what to have in the mid and background. Any tips?

Will pick up wood and stones locally and see what I can come up with.

Thank you.

Vallisneria type plants are a good rooted ones too go for i had them growing with no ferts at one point pop some root tabs in the substrate will help

just got four albino corys for my tank hope that's enough for a 125 litre didn't want to over do it and get six.

10 glowlight tetras
6 Rosy tetras
1 Golden Gourami : was meant to be a feature fish but very timid almost nocturnal
1 Large tiger barb : left over from my barb keeping days, very placid though unlike some tigers that i had .

oh no just put them 30 mins ago and one of the glow lights has taken is dislike too them stalking them :( solitary confinement (breeding cage) awaits him if it carry s on , the rosy's were after to them to begin with but the novelty has worn off it seems.

no warning from aq advisor regarding cory's and glowlights :confused: my stock level is at 74% Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 176% . according to aq advisor with my external filter, seems full enough too me don't think i will be putting any more in handy tool that though.

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All sounds fine to me, fish chasing new fish is normal. They should soon get over it.

If anything I would have gone with more corys, they are very social fish. I would grab another 4.
yeah I'll ill get a few more at some point, seems too have calmed down now the glowlights are back chasing each other about, was thinking about getting some shrimp red crystal ones are they prolific breeders ? don't want millions of them and some nerite snails too complete the clean up crew.

just watching one of the rosys tetras it's following the corys about not to attack them but to snap up any food they throw up while sifting the sand, clever fish :p
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Both neocaridina (cherry) and caridina (crystal) shrimp breed easily but unlike guppy's they will not self overpopulate. They will breed quickly initially but after the population gets up to a point it tends to slow down, the fish will also pick off some of the tiny shrimp so not all will 'make it'.

Cardinia shrimp prefer softer water, they will do OK in harder water but not thrive, they may not even breed or could die off quickly. It depends on how they have been bred. I also find that lower quality cardinia look a bit naff (colours/stripes) where as lower quality neo's mostly still look decent. Neo's will do much better in harder water, they also come in Red, Yellow, Orange, Blue and Black.
I've not had my cherry shrimp breed yet, I'm wondering if I've got all females or something...

I'd love some blue ones in the future.
All I am going to ask is why?

I'm fairly sure it will just look very fake from a mile off, putting greens don't tend to grow under water.

In all seriousness you would need to make sure any adhesive is non toxic and that it doesn't float. I also wouldn't put it on anything more than a very thin layer of sand, just asking for trouble otherwise.
Price, Quality, Noise. If you want cheap you generally cant have the other two.

Cheap Chinese re-brand > Mainstream Brands like Tetra, Fluval, JBL > Oase > Ehiem

I would probably buy an Oase with a built in heater (they are replaceable) but Ehiem is a pretty good shout but neither is cheap. I own a Fluval also but I dont think I would buy another, I really dislike the hoses and the stupid rubber connectors you need.
Oase are easier to clean as well due to the removable pre-filter. Set the canister media up and never touch it, just clean the pre-filter every couple of weeks.

It's not worth going cheap and Chinese tbh because it will only end up breaking or leaking. The German brands will last as long as you need them to and the plastics are much tougher (especially Oase which are very hefty).
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