Your current Fish tank Setups!

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My nano marine reef, its my first ever fish tank and only had it since October but already I'm looking to upgrade it to a 4ft tank by the end of the year so that we can keep the Regal Tang that you can see in the pictures. As well as him and the two clowns you can see we've got 2 Peppermint shrimps, one blood shrimp and a boxer shrimp. Theres one red legged Hermit Crab left out of 6 that we did have at one point

Pics are a bit rubbish as I dont have an SLR



My jellyfish:



If only they were real! I was thinking of going and getting a tropical set up but got swayed by a rankins dragon instead XD.
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I've got two tanks
Daily - feed fish
twice a week - feed coral and clean glass with magnet (5mins max)
every 7-10 days - 10% water change, empty and clean protein skimmer, clean glass, clean filters (probably takes around 30mins)

23l nano marine
Daily - feed fish
every 7-10 days - 10% water change and clean glass with magnet (5-10mins)

The nano doesnt seem to be as bad for algae which is probably due to less bio load and the lights. I need to fit some better lights for my nano so I can get more corals in it.

You missed out the all important top up of evap water which even on a nano tank can be a litre per day.

Also weekly tests for Mag, Cal & Alk with my nano I add Alk daily, Mag every 3-4 days and Cal weekly although it can vary slightly.
They're small but I've got limited space, so it should be perfect for on my desk.

Found a really nice Betta and some guppies for it, should look pretty good when it's done.

I would advise against putting a Betta in a Fluval Edge. Betta's require access to the surface to breath using their labyrinth organ and cannot live solely submerged. I have seen a few drowned Betta's as owners filled their tanks to the top and put on the glass covers.

The Fluval Edge could be left with a gap at the top for the Betta but imo they look awful if not filled up to the top. Best idea for an Edge is as a shrimp tank with maybe a few very small docile fish. Small shoal of Galaxy Rasbora's with a few Cherry Shrimp looks great.

Have just rescaped my 240L tank and added a Clown Plec and a group of Zebra Loaches so will take some pics and post later on. Considering what to do next with it as I get bored every couple of months and fancy a change...

Also managed to gain GF approval for a 6ft 600L tank for the kitchen in a few months assuming funds allow. Possibly time for a different type of fish keeping with Cichlids or maybe a Tiger Oscar and a few large friends...
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How do you guys clean sand? Cleaned my tank last night and ive still got a fair bit of debris in my gravel, contemplating black sand....
How do you guys clean sand? Cleaned my tank last night and ive still got a fair bit of debris in my gravel, contemplating black sand....

Never have to clean my sand. I have good water flow across the floor of the tank, and also have two Geophagus in there to keep it moving over all the time.

Although, I am fairly certain that just the water flow is sufficient :)
I just sort of realised ive had my tank for over a year and just bungled through ti all, i have a interpet river reef 26L tank and love it, just want to know a bit more about the filtration, how to set it up properly rather than just dump things in check the water and wait lol
my 55 gallon with a single male green terror, just changed to black sand ,sorry about the crappy phone pic :)

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Love it - do you find the sand gets dirty quickly?

I've only had white silica before

Originally Posted by Raikiri View Post
They're small but I've got limited space, so it should be perfect for on my desk.

Found a really nice Betta and some guppies for it, should look pretty good when it's done.

EEK - erm not a good combination a male betta and guppies. The colourful finnage of the guppies seems to have the same effect as having another male betta in the tank and they tend to attack them! Seen it personally a few times in friends tanks and just isn't worth it.

Bettas don't make the best community tank makes, although I've done this twice but with plakat bettas which have much less finnage than something like a veil or crown tails, so they tend to not get picked on. I was lucky but wouldn't do it again.

Shadowmans advice is spot on
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Betta's can live happily with other fish but are best kept on their own. They only require a small tank so an open topped 20L tank will suffice for a single Betta. Give him a ping pong ball to push around and 2 mins of a mirror per day to flare his fins and you will have a happy fish.

Lots of people do keep them in community tanks however (including me against all my own advice) and get good results. They will never be as calm and open as when kept on their own but make a good addition to a tank.

For reference my 240L has the following and not had any nipping (yet...) or any worry. If the Betta does ever get nipped or agressive then he is off to his own tank. My tank is fairly well planted and there is a lot of bogwood, rock and plant cover for the fish so conflicts are kept low.

240L med planted tank.

10 Harlequin Rasbora
12 Neon Tetra
4 Odessa Barbs (2 died and not replaced yet)
10 Platy's (6 Sunset and 4 Pure Orange)
6 Bronze Corydora Catfish
6 Zebra Loach
3 Zebra Danio (Homing them for a friend)
2 Angelfish (7 inch tall spawning pair)
1 Veiltail Betta Splendens (Male adult)
1 Bristlenose Plec (Fully grown 4")
1 Clown Plec (Juvenile 1.5")

All of the above is housed in a 48" x 18" x 18" tank and filter turnover is around 1200L per hour. Apart from the Clown Plec and Zebra Loaches, all of the above have lived together for about 9 months with not a single problem. (I could just be lucky though!!)

Dosing daily with liquid carbon and every other day with ferts for the plants. Fish are fed on an irregular schedule with at least 2 fasting days per week.
What would be good tank mates for bettas? other then tetras lol

Well, neon tetras CAN be ok but again I wouldn't recommend it.

As has been said, cories and loaches should be fine, stay clear of cichlids!!!

Zebra danios were fine with my betta.

@ ShadowMan - keep an eye on those Angelfish :eek:
Sounds a nicely balanced community tank!
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Yeah. The angelfish scare me with the others in the tank but they were a freebie from a family member who changed a tank over. Not my ideal cup of tea and they get a bit grumpy during spawning but otherwise all seems ok.

My Neon's are also all oversized and even the Rasbora's are bigger than the Angelfish mouths! Still a bit of a worry with 2 Angels and a Betta in the same tank.

Will get some pics up later tonight if I can.
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My tank arrived!



FML :p

I would advise against putting a Betta in a Fluval Edge. Betta's require access to the surface to breath using their labyrinth organ and cannot live solely submerged. I have seen a few drowned Betta's as owners filled their tanks to the top and put on the glass covers.

The Fluval Edge could be left with a gap at the top for the Betta but imo they look awful if not filled up to the top. Best idea for an Edge is as a shrimp tank with maybe a few very small docile fish. Small shoal of Galaxy Rasbora's with a few Cherry Shrimp looks great.

Strictly speaking there is always a gap at the top for the filters and such, however I may change my mind. Got some time to think about it after all!
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