Your current Fish tank Setups!

28w over 125L tank isn’t a lot of light, It’s highly unlikely you are CO2 limited. I doubt you’ll benefit at all from pressurised CO2.

Those plants fall into the easy category and don’t need a lot of light. How old are they?

It’s normal for plants to melt back when they are first put in a tank and can take some time to become established.

‘Liquid CO2’ is a good algaecide which would explain the algae reduction when using it.

If the plants are fully established my guess would be either:
Your plants aren’t getting enough nutrients.
There’s too many waste organics in the water fuelling the algae.

It’s difficult to tell without knowing exactly what is going on over time. Im sure others will chime in shortly with some ideas.
You can't really stop algae growing. Snails and shrimp take care of it.

Most plants which grow vertically will just grow like crazy even with low lighting. While the tank is cycling even. You might need plant feed to get them going. To make a carpet you'll probably need Co2 or it just won't grow fast or thick enough.
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Nearly a year old now, youngest plant is 3 months old with the majority 10 months or so.

Most likely a fertiliser or waste organics issue. Up your ferts and water changes and it will likely sort it’s self out in a few weeks.

The recommended dosing regimes recommended on commercial fertilisers are normally pretty conservative.

Are you using a complete fertiliser that includes Nitrogen, potassium, phosphate as well as micro nutrients?
I'm just using Easylife Ferro, not sure why that one, I think it was just what I could get at my LFS at the time.

It's nearly ran out so I'd like to hear any recommendations on what to replace it with.
I'm just using Easylife Ferro, not sure why that one, I think it was just what I could get at my LFS at the time.

It's nearly ran out so I'd like to hear any recommendations on what to replace it with.

All that has in it is iron which is just one of many micro nutrients, it’s likely the very cause of your issues.

Any fully comprehensive fertiliser will do but you need to ensure it contains nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Evolution Aqua fertiliser is very good.

As is tropica specialised fertiliser - the green one. The brown one doesn’t contain NPK.

I’ve also had success with TNC complete.

You get more for your money with evolution aqua as it’s more concentrate and it has clear dosing instructions based on your set up so I would get that one.
Noticed a baby fish swimming around today. I think my last remaining platy is responsible.

My rasboras try to eat it if it goes near them, but other than that nothing is putting much effort in to trying to catch it so maybe it will survive.
All that has in it is iron which is just one of many micro nutrients, it’s likely the very cause of your issues.

Any fully comprehensive fertiliser will do but you need to ensure it contains nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Evolution Aqua fertiliser is very good.

As is tropica specialised fertiliser - the green one. The brown one doesn’t contain NPK.

I’ve also had success with TNC complete.

You get more for your money with evolution aqua as it’s more concentrate and it has clear dosing instructions based on your set up so I would get that one.
Thanks, will get some ordered!
Just added 9x Boomerang Barbs (Desmopuntius foerschi) to my dark water tank. They're all WC (no captive breeding recorded) so I'm tempted to separate them and give them a try...
Several years ago when I when was more into the hobby and had my planted tank I used to make my own liquid carbon from Glutaraldehde.

As long as you can get over the health warnings it worked out vastly cheaper than commercial offerings.
At the time 1 litre of Glutaraldehde was about a tenner and the mixing ratio was 5ml to 1000ml of water. 1 litre would dose my tank daily for 3-4 weeks.

I don't know if Glutaraldehde is still cheaply available now but its worth checking out.

Just before I broke the tank down.

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Bit down right now. Was just scrubbing some algae off my betta's tank before a water change and moved into the hallway to put the algae scrubber back on another tank and I see my main guy on the floor. Maybe 4-5 ft from the tank. He must have got spooked when I was scrubbing the tank with the lid of but he couldn't have been on the floor more than a couple minutes. Started flopping when I got close so scooped him up and he's back in the tank and can swim but hanging out at the bottom of the tank right now clearly stressed. Hopping for the best and know he's a strong guy after the trouble he went through after getting lost in the post when importing him from Thailand.

Any one had previous with a jumping fish recovering? My main concern is that it might have been a 3-4ft fall. There is stuff either side of the tank that he might have fallen onto but not sure how lucky he was. No immediate injury noticeable but he's hiding at the back of the tank now behind some logs and I have the lights off and I don't want to mess around and stress him out any more.
Only once, Had plenty of jumpers that havent survived tho.

One that did just really loved life i suppose, the others i fed to my anemones. Now ive got a lid and no more problems.
Positive news s that he's out and about swimming pretty freely. Fins are still a bit tucked in and he's just cruising around but doesn't seem hurt. dropped a tiny bit of food in for him and he's gone right for it. Will try not to interfere with him today and check on him in the morning. fingers crossed.

edit. and now I just watching him chase an amano shrimp for the pellet it had. Think he's going to be fine. Boab you little beast :)
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I have a clear plastic canopy on my 48 litre then a lid on top, the clear plastic has yellowed which is filtering the light.

Do I need the canopy? Can I remove the yellowing?
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