Your current Fish tank Setups!

Back in May I set up a Fluval Evo, I just could resist that itch. To date I have had Zoo Nudibranch, Hydroids, Majano, Aiptasia and Diatom. All but the later is gone now which I can live with. Set up with dry rock and all the pests came with a small rock of mixed Zoos. Will get some photos up in a while.

Pair of clowns
one yellow tail Damsel
4 hermit crabs
Load of periwinkles
Pulsing Xenia

Once a week water change 20L(tap water).
Daily washing of filter sponge after turkey blasting rock, sand and class cleaning, top up with tap water.
May or may not go with RO, my old system has sat turned off for about 14 odd years. Will just see how algae behaves itself.
Been trying for ages to take a decent pic of my tank.

Tried a different app this eve and does a much better job in video format anyway, still very blue altho the tanks on its evening cycle so its bluer anyway and my corals and nems have started to close up for the night

Will have to try again when its “day time”, still can see my birdsnest frag i added is doing fantastic very pleased with it.

Evo would be about 52l, as for tds no idea, water board has it down as Moderately Hard. General plan is to not dose and every few months to do a 3 quarter water change along with weekly. Hopefully that will control any build up of imbalances. I tend to not test that much and just stick to maintenance and depend on the quality of the salt mix. As there are no hard corals going in it for a while all I need to keep an eye on is PH and watch what the algae is doing.

Yeah there's that, but I'm most concerned about 3 fish in a tiny tank.

That is why they are fish that are happy sticking to a small area and have a small growth habit.
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I understand that clownfish don't really move about much. But you've really gone past what's acceptable to keep in such a tiny tank. Some of the smaller Gobies (Clown or Panda) might have been a better choice. Or maybe an upgrade to a 120l tank?
Back in May I set up a Fluval Evo, I just could resist that itch. To date I have had Zoo Nudibranch, Hydroids, Majano, Aiptasia and Diatom. All but the later is gone now which I can live with. Set up with dry rock and all the pests came with a small rock of mixed Zoos. Will get some photos up in a while.

Pair of clowns
one yellow tail Damsel
4 hermit crabs
Load of periwinkles
Pulsing Xenia

Once a week water change 20L(tap water).
Daily washing of filter sponge after turkey blasting rock, sand and class cleaning, top up with tap water.
May or may not go with RO, my old system has sat turned off for about 14 odd years. Will just see how algae behaves itself.
Do u have any trouble with nitrates? I have same tank and similar stock level. My nitrate is about 10-20ppm. Worried that its gonna climb up. Everything is perfectly fine though fish and corals.
Do you have a tank, I had a quick flick back through this threat didn't see a tank but you did mention planning a small tank for a pair of clowns as your not that well? So explain how its not acceptable?

I have had 2 tanks. One 300l and then as my health got worse, I down sized to a 120l and gave away all my stock. I had 2 clowns and a hawkfish in a 120l which was about its limit, it was 36" wide so the fish could swim about a lot more than in a 120l cube.

A 52l gives the fish no room for movement. I'm not trying to be a ****, which is why I suggested some fish which would be more suitable.

If I finally set up the approx 100l tank, it will have just a small amount of rock in the tank. But the sump will have a load of siporax and man made live rock for filtration. So double the size of yours and plenty of room.
I don't mean to be calling you out but your being highly critical and to be to the point it seems that you are doing a ####.

On the issue of my tap water, if the tank starts showing signs of problem it will be switched to RO/

This is my tanks for those that may be interested.
Do u have any trouble with nitrates? I have same tank and similar stock level. My nitrate is about 10-20ppm. Worried that its gonna climb up. Everything is perfectly fine though fish and corals.

I have only been running it from May, so it has not been running that long, I just watch algae growth and water change. Nothing that I am worried about and if everything seems perfectly fine I wouldn't worry about nitrate. Just keep an eye on them, I am running the skimmer and cleaning out the filter daily, there is a bit of exporting going on in my tank.

Just thinking of the welfare of the fish. Don't take it personally.
This is the smallest tank I have ever kept, was very into sps a long time back. I do know what I am doing and know the fish I am keeping, been fishkeeping for around 30 years. Just dipping my toe back into the salty side. Been really enjoying this setup, they are a great little tank. Peace out.
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Unicorn, you turned up your lighting a few weeks back? Dull the lights down and start doing water changes and what Noobcannon said.
I changed light but i acclimated and got the same par levels as i have checked with a meter.

Any signs of disease?

Whats your parameters?

Have you been monitoring temps in this heat?

No disease, Perameters are stable now but i found a HUGE clump of the hollow featherworm under my liverock which i think was sapping my calcium/alk at silly rates. Im dosing 10ml/daily which raises by 0.25meq/l and it was still dropping before i removed this bunch.

Reality is i was dropping by 0.6dkh per day or more so 4 days away was adequate to cause a big disturbance when i only run at 9dkh.
Temp wise i run a D-D Temp monitor/probe and my chiller is plumbed in right now on an extra pump and return line if it does get silly it will automatically kick in

I need to set up my doser STILL as its been on my list of things to do for so long now
I changed light but i acclimated and got the same par levels as i have checked with a meter.

No disease, Perameters are stable now but i found a HUGE clump of the hollow featherworm under my liverock which i think was sapping my calcium/alk at silly rates. Im dosing 10ml/daily which raises by 0.25meq/l and it was still dropping before i removed this bunch.

Reality is i was dropping by 0.6dkh per day or more so 4 days away was adequate to cause a big disturbance when i only run at 9dkh.
Temp wise i run a D-D Temp monitor/probe and my chiller is plumbed in right now on an extra pump and return line if it does get silly it will automatically kick in

I need to set up my doser STILL as its been on my list of things to do for so long now

I dont think you will keep your params stable without a dosing pump as its just too hard to dose by hand.

I dose approx 1dkh + equivalent calcium (2part) per day keeps me around 9dkh and 450 calcium. The dose is spread out over 24hours.
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