Your current Fish tank Setups!

Is the Twinstar 450 overkill for the 55L tank? It looks decent bit of kit. Anything in the value for money range that comes close? Aesthetics over function?
Unless you want the look it’s Overkill for anything other than a high end, high light, high CO2 setup using really difficult plants.

There are two versions of the twinstar, one more powerful than the other but they are both very bright. That said they have dimmers to turn them down.

If you are willing to spend that much there is also a small Kessil option (A80 I think) is about £140 and can be mounted on a gooseneck. They have a COB LED setup with a lens for a strong shimmer effect you will not get with a strip light. Some like it some don’t. Again, very bright but dimable.

There are other Kessil style lights about on amazon which are less powerful and cheaper. I’ll try and get a link when i get home, no idea if they are any good or not though as I haven’t used one.
Probably isn't a lot of point in buying a high end light unless you're also going to be using Co2.

You'll need both if you want to grow a carpet. But most tropical plants will grow very fast with a regular light.

I use some of this in my main tank: it grows so quick I can trim it to half way down and it will be back at the surface after a week (and will spread fast if you don't plant it in a pot), which makes it a really good nutrient sponge. Platies also like to eat it :)
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I think I merely chose it on looks. Having thought about it I'm not looking at going down the co2 route. At most I might douse it with some but not via pipes.

I just wanted to invest the once but probably overdoing it. It's for the kids to look at and me to just see where it goes. I'd be growing low maintenance stuff.

The filter I've picked seems decent to keep the water in good condition just need to finalise the light choice. The Kessil looks nice but again overkill especially if want the timer module and setting up periods where it comes on and off.

I've cleared the sideboard now in the living room and that's where it'll all go and be a focal point during dinner.

Thanks for the link. I have come to my senses and should get something at this sort of price range and see how I get on with things.

Thanks @Nasher for the plant link. I was looking at carpeting options. The only thing is kids want to put in some ornaments over stones and wood so will build around it.
I have one on my 10G betta tank. It's a solid light for the price

Cheers for the feedback. Growing any plants with it? Like the fact it has a dimmer and can then just plug it into a timer plug for coming on specific time during the day.

Hoping one is sufficient for a 55L that is 45cm wide.
Cheers for the feedback. Growing any plants with it? Like the fact it has a dimmer and can then just plug it into a timer plug for coming on specific time during the day.

Hoping one is sufficient for a 55L that is 45cm wide.
Some plants but nothing to tricky. couple types of anubias, mosses & Cryptocoryne wendtii. My waters liquid rock so need tough plants.

I have mine dimmed most the way because of algae issues I had at one point. Also have a peace lily growing out the top.

an old picture but the basic set up.
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Finally got some shrimp and snails in my tank, but I'm presented with a new problem.

Saw 1 of the shrimp cleaning away near the filter intake grill and he looked like he might be small enough to fit in.



I was thinking of buying some filter sponge and jamming it behind the grill, to block them from getting in.
You do need some foam over the intake if they are small shrimp. I took the foam off mine just for a day and I found a cherry shrimp stuck in it (and dead) :/

In shrimp only tanks people use air powered sponge filters.
Managed to get a grill from a filter kit at my LFS.
Cut to size and shoved it down the back.


Love these lil guys, looking forward to getting some more.

Thinking of getting some fish in the next week or 2 and I could do with some stocking suggestions.

Tanks a 55l planted nano.

Nitrate <5ppm
PH 6.5
GH 7
KH 2

Only occupants are some cherry shrimp and nerrite snails.

I was thinking of getting some neon green tetras and maybe 2 otos catfish if there's room.

Was thinking of scarlet badis as a centre piece, but heard they can be picking with their live/frozen food.
If you go the badis route I would have them as the only fish. They are a bit of a strange one with behaviours also. either keep one in a nano or lots in a bigger tank like you would chiclids to allow aggression to be spread out.

And yeah very picky with food.
Theres a lot of saltwater enthusiasts in here.
Anybody made their own sumps or modified them ?

i’m buying a 7x3x2ft tank soon with a 5x2x2 sump and i wanna partition the sump into three compartments. Its currently fluidized and it will remain that way. But i want a small partition for inlet and another for return pump but don’t know the best cheapest way to go about it
Thinking of getting some fish in the next week or 2 and I could do with some stocking suggestions.

Tanks a 55l planted nano.

Nitrate <5ppm
PH 6.5
GH 7
KH 2

Only occupants are some cherry shrimp and nerrite snails.

I was thinking of getting some neon green tetras and maybe 2 otos catfish if there's room.

Was thinking of scarlet badis as a centre piece, but heard they can be picking with their live/frozen food.

What plants you got in your 55L?
Looked at a Betta or Chilli Rasboras?
planted Tank progress



Nearly 4 months nothing fancy 5 Amazon sword plants inert sand substrate using root sticks once per month , ferts weekly and dosing 2.5ml liquid c02 per day , still got some brown algae issues on some leaves though but it was rife before i started using c02. maybe i should put new root tabs in more often ?

using easy carbo 1ml per 50l perhaps i should max the dose out 2ml per 50l per day it says on the bottle for heavily planted tanks. it's a roma 125 btw

Damn that's a tidy looking tank.

What plants you got in your 55L?
Looked at a Betta or Chilli Rasboras?

Plants I have are...

Eleocharis acicularis 'mini'
Taxiphyllum flame
Rotala 'Vietnam H'ra'
Pogostemon erectus
Anubias Petite


I've ordered myself 5 more cherry shrimp and 3 amano, unfortunately I couldn't source the amano locally.

If I was going to do down the route of 2 otos and some green neons, how many neons could I get without overstocking?
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