Awesome Croc in that tank
little update after a mammoth fish in cycle (worst idea but no tank to separate the fish in to)
The test kit i have is only the stick type as I don't have access to a better fish shop at the moment, from what I'm reading the test kit is showing the water to be Ok'ish (best assumption as there is no definite answer) Anyone like to enlighten me further?
A few of the fish we have, 4 Plattys 1 male 3 female, 4 zebra tetra, 2 neon tetra (leftovers from a half dead tank), 2 emperor tetra, 1 sucking golden loach (never seen, but still alive) and 1 leopard angel (very small for an angel)
Poor pictures from my phone as I don't have access to a camera at the kids house, all the plants are fake as the tank is a 60ltr BiOrb (nasty thing
) but it was a gift from the kids granny.
The fish get fed once/twice a week with two or three days gap between feeds and they seem very happy with that. Weekly water changes of about 1/3 using a siphon to clean through the gravel.
Any more advice or things I should be doing?