Your current Fish tank Setups!

I do have some fish in mine but there is a more interesting reason for setting up my enclosure...



Some really nice tanks on here :)
Awesome Croc in that tank :)

little update after a mammoth fish in cycle (worst idea but no tank to separate the fish in to)

The test kit i have is only the stick type as I don't have access to a better fish shop at the moment, from what I'm reading the test kit is showing the water to be Ok'ish (best assumption as there is no definite answer) Anyone like to enlighten me further?

A few of the fish we have, 4 Plattys 1 male 3 female, 4 zebra tetra, 2 neon tetra (leftovers from a half dead tank), 2 emperor tetra, 1 sucking golden loach (never seen, but still alive) and 1 leopard angel (very small for an angel)


Poor pictures from my phone as I don't have access to a camera at the kids house, all the plants are fake as the tank is a 60ltr BiOrb (nasty thing :( ) but it was a gift from the kids granny.

The fish get fed once/twice a week with two or three days gap between feeds and they seem very happy with that. Weekly water changes of about 1/3 using a siphon to clean through the gravel.

Any more advice or things I should be doing?
Have the fins of the fish been growing back? The red one (not sure what it is) has rotten fins, so if they are growing back that would be a good sign.
The red one with a black tail is a male platty no fin Rot that I know of, the fins and tail of that one have always been that way and all the males I've seen have looked the same. :)

Just checked the fish over and the fins are fine its just a poor picture.
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Currently cycling, although I put the wood in after soaking it for ages and its still send the water a dull tinted colour.

It was so crisp before the wood went in :(
Cycle it thoroughly and you'll have a nice home for some fishes. Nice looking design btw. I too love bogwood. :)

This reminds me of when I had four lovely, very healthy synodontis catfish; they used to love their sanctuary in the underside of the various pieces of bogwood. Fond memories. :)
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Hi. I have 2 large Angel Fish in my fish tank. Both are female and lay there eggs on the side of the filter housing once every month.

Can I simply buy a Male Angel Fish and then 'whola', I will have some baby Angle Fish?

Also how can I tell what sex Angel Fish are when and if I go that router and buy a Male angel so the eggs can be fertilized.

Is this all worth doing? Angels are a very good large size

Thank you
My Angels do the same about once every 3 weeks. I believe I have 1 male and 1 female but alas by next morning all the eggs have been eaten...

I dont believe it is possible to sex an Angel Fish unless it is in the right part of the reproduction cycle so getting a male from a shop could be difficult.

Some breeders sell matched pairs who have hatched young before to ensure you get one of each.
The red one with a black tail is a male platty no fin Rot that I know of, the fins and tail of that one have always been that way and all the males I've seen have looked the same. :)

Just checked the fish over and the fins are fine its just a poor picture.

Yea probably, if you look at the pic for long enough your eyes start watering :)
Over christmas I won't have access to my tank (nor will anyone else) for 16 days as it's at work.

I can't bring it home with me either as I'm going away for a week or so.

Are auto-feeders worth a go?
I found the Eheim auto feeder really good and reliable with Tetra Prime. Just make sure you don't drop it in your tank as they don't like water ;-) as I found out the hard and expensive way....
Not with the Eheim as it has a door you open to the right amount and it rotates around to release a dosage to timer. Not sure how well it would work with flakes either.

There are other autofeeders like the Fishmate which empty a little compartment so you could put a mix in each department I guess. Not sure how well they work and if it would last the 16 days?
Just found something that looks good.

Fish Mate F14 Fish Feeder, 14 individual meals. I might put in a slow release block too and wish them luck :p
16 days should be fine for most fish over such a period with no feeding at all.
An auto feeder could work fine, but dont put in a slow release block, pleeaasseee...
16 days is a long time for fishes small stomachs to not have food... They will probably eat each other or die of starvation in that period.

I agree with not using a slow release block.

I have used auto-feeders for years with great effect and never had problems its just a shame they don't make one that can carry/keep frozen food for my Discus ;-)
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