Tank is a Fishbox 120L. This is an old piccie, need to get an updated one. When this was taken, it was stocked with 11 x Tiger Barbs, 5 Neon's and a plec.
Now have a big piece of bogwood where the bridge was, with an airstone behind, and a sunken house ornament in place of the log for Peter The Plec to live in :D Stocking is now, 9 Neon's, 1 Plec, 1 Tiger Barb, 2 3 spot Gourami's, and 1 Opaline Gourami.[/QUOTE]
i would say lose the stingray filter as they are pants, unless you have stuff it full of media.
the fluval Ux series are really good.
get a more recent pic up too :)