Your current Fish tank Setups!

Please no. Make it into a small tropical tank. 2 goldfish would need nearer 100 gallons to be happy.

Filter wise, you could get a submerged canister filter, they are pretty silent, and dampened by thew water. Otherwise, look at a closed loop external, they are more expensive, but generally quite quiet, provided the return is low enough in the water.

A tropical tank is a possibility I am looking into, I just want to get everything in place so when I start to get a cycle up and running properly it's working quietly and efficiently. The pump and filter combo I have now just leaves the water murky and with the vibration noises it sounds loud for an impellar pump. I'll keep looking and try go to an aquarium over the weekend to see if I can find a nice silent one like my father used to have.
I have a Fluval U2 in in the tank in my room. I don't notice the noise at all (if it makes any). Could be worth looking at a U1 for a tank that size.
My new Trigon 350 :)



Running 2 x Tetratec EX1200 filters.

Just need to sort the stocking out now, I "inherited" a load of fish I don't want for the guy to sell me the tank :(
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Moved in with the Mrs not so long ago now and i've always wanted some fish so went out a few weeks ago an bought a BiOrb 30l kit with everything ready to go for £85.00 so snapped that offer although not the best tank, its a nice size to start of with until we upgrade later on when I buy a house so this will do for now.

Fishless cycled for 4 weeks and water levels seemed fine so we went out and bought a few hardy's.... 4 awesome Zebra Danio :) i'll keep these for atleast a month and then test water.

I've owned fish before and done a great job but those were coldwater, however im new to all this tropical goodness and learning about these fantastic creatures everyday. :)

We will be adding some Neon Tetra a few colourful guppies and maybe some others. I'll also be colour coding the bottom and top to match the table as BiOrb dont make an oak swap top.

I've also already upgraded the standard pump to an Eheim 3701. Just becuase this pump is super silent and was needed as the tanks in the living room.

Pic of our tank.


Where did you get that head sculpture from?
Used up all available brownie points with the GF and bought two more Pets at Home nanos.

Gave up trying to find decent nano lights and bought a single 39w Hagen Glo T5 to cover all three.

Found some nice wood too, all those storms around Christmas have produced some great windfall :)


Now just need the tubes and substrate to arrive...
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My new Trigon 350 :)



Running 2 x Tetratec EX1200 filters.

Just need to sort the stocking out now, I "inherited" a load of fish I don't want for the guy to sell me the tank :(

Great tank :), my mum has a very similar set up with lake malawi cichlids which I look after for her. Why do you want to get rid of the fish? Cichlids are awesome, great colours and very active.

Don't worry about the over stocking either, it's needed as they are very aggressive and need to be kept in large communities, if there are just a few of them the more aggressive ones will bully the others.

edit: give them a lettuce leaf they will love it ;)
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Used up all available brownie points with the GF and bought two more Pets at Home nanos.

Gave up trying to find decent nano lights and bought a single 39w Hagen Glo T5 to cover all three.

Found some nice wood too, all those storms around Christmas have produced some great winfall :)

Now just need the tubes and substrate to arrive...

I like seeing when there's a new post from you King4aDay you have an excellent eye for tanks and aquascaping! Looking forward to seeing them finished.
Cheers dekez.

Here's an update on the big tank to celebrate it being a year old :)

It's still happily more or less self sustaining and has turned into an absolute jungle. I'm quite happy to leave it do it's thing really, so everything is pretty messy, but some pics -



Looks nice!! My tank would look like that if I didn't have a massive clear out every month. I have a lot of the plants you have there. What is the plant coming right out the tank with the big green leaves?

Do you have any fish/shrimp in there?
Looks nice!! My tank would look like that if I didn't have a massive clear out every month. I have a lot of the plants you have there. What is the plant coming right out the tank with the big green leaves?

Do you have any fish/shrimp in there?

That's an Echinodorus (forget which species) that was about 10" tall when I bought it. It's now over 4 feet tall with a 6 foot flower stalk.

Livestock are 6 licorice gourami (Parosphromenus sp. 'Sentang'), 7 Boraras maculata, 4 otocinclus, loads of cherry shrimp and assorted other microfauna.
that tank is the dogs!! Thats absolutely natural.

Odd question, anyone experienced in getting snails to multiply? I've got 2 snails that caught a ride with some plants i've got. Turns out they are fantastic algae eaters, and they never touch the plants.

Would love to get them producing offspring, had them for a few months now.
Wow, I'm envious :o

I gave up my tank at the end of last year, I struggled with it for over 2 years, mixed my own ferts and had CO2 injection, but I must have being something fundamently wrong, some plants grew well, others just died off, and the algae, or lord the algae, I just couldn't stop it.
I posted on various boards but couldn't solve it. I seriously had an easier time keeping a marine reef tank in my old house, though it was a damn sight more expensive. ;)

Still, nice tank :D
Decided to start my fish tank up again, I cant go salt water :( to due to ££££. I’m going tropical again and would like a nice big bog wood feature, however the ones I’ve seen are like £50 up…. I point blank refuse to pay that kind of money for old tree wood!

We have a large river near my house which has plenty of fallen tree’s in there, if I took the wood out I want and cut it to fit could I do it that way or would it kill the tank. I’ve not set up the tank yet so thought if I prepare now it will be ok?

Also does this apply with Rock, i.e I take a few stones from the river and clean them in treated water would that also be ok?

Cheers dekez.

Here's an update on the big tank to celebrate it being a year old :)

It's still happily more or less self sustaining and has turned into an absolute jungle. I'm quite happy to leave it do it's thing really, so everything is pretty messy, but some pics -

Also how are you managing to keep the plants so green and everything so clean?
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