Your current Fish tank Setups!

Here is my new upgrade. Was at it all day yesterday + today. Absolutely shattered but well worth it :)

Ok here goes :

this is the preparation bit :











I wasnt going to bother doing anything with my old tank today, I'm wrecked after the late night + all day today. However a guy wants to come and view the tank so I had to get stuck in.

Went from this :


To this:


He better bloody buy it now :D
We have a large river near my house which has plenty of fallen tree’s in there, if I took the wood out I want and cut it to fit could I do it that way or would it kill the tank. I’ve not set up the tank yet so thought if I prepare now it will be ok?

Also does this apply with Rock, i.e I take a few stones from the river and clean them in treated water would that also be ok?

Also how are you managing to keep the plants so green and everything so clean?

With wood make sure it is good and dead and dry (unless you pull it out the river). If it is still green or is soft from rotting then avoid. There is lots of good windfall around at the moment, beech and oak are particularly suitable. Avoid pine and other evergreens as even very dead wood can contain resins that can leach out and be poisonous.

Most rocks should be Ok to use given a good clean, but some (such as limestone) can raise your pH/hardness. Test them with a drop of vinegar - if it fizzes then don't use them.

As for why my tank is green and clean? Erm, just lots of healthy plants, a light stocking and no fertilisers means algae doesn't have much of a chance. I never do any cleaning at all.
Ive Been giving a 30l bio orb with heater

I want to make it a shrimp tank ( red cherry shrimps) I am
not going to rush into this as I want to get this setup right.
Can I keep a few guppys with them? Maybe 4 male Guppys? will this help keep the number of shrimp fry down I don't want to be over run with the little beasts? or any other better fish to use? (dont forget it's going to be shrimp tank not a fish tank)

I can modify the tank if needed I've got spare external filter efx200 i can use to help keep water quality

And how many shrimp to start with?

Hope the above makes some sense
Some tanks here are amazing :)

I was wondering if you guys could help me out a little, I think my Dalmatian Mollies are acting up a bit. Basically I started off with 6 of them, I'm down to 3 and 1 baby now unfortunately, I lost 3 over the space of 2 months, I'm not sure even why as they looked fine and the next day I was fishing them out!

The problem I'm having is during feeding, the one male seems to be quite aggressive towards the black and white female. Now is this due to there being only 3 of them now, or could it be another problem? I have a short video here to show what I mean. Excuse all the crap floating around, I've not long cleaned out the filter and done a 25% water change so it's not all settled down yet! I'm planning to get some more Mollies in a couple of weeks, but I've not seen this behavior from them before.

Went for a nice little walk up to Blackford Hill in Edinburgh today, and with a little rootling around came up with some hardscape for the middle of three 25l nanos, for which I had been awaiting inspiration. Walking back with pockets full of rocks and a whole bunch of ivy stems was less fun!

So without further ado, some pictures of the hardscape (there are a couple of rough joins which will be hidden by plants)...


I picked up my Roma 240 today and will get the cabinet next weekend. Really looking forward to getting it all set up!
Yeah cories are great. They're much much happier living in groups though, if you've got space then I highly recommend upping the number to at least 6. If it's a small tank then a group of one of the pygmy corydoras species would be better than a pair of one of the larger ones.
The product of 3 hours fiddling this afternoon with some nice wood found at work the other weekend! Happy with the outcome, just wish cycling would hurry up :(




We'll i placed the final orders for my gear this morning. A load of Unipac Granite black sand, a Tetratec ex 1200 filter, some Seachem prime, a fish net just in case and a gravel cleaner/siphon.

It'll all be here this week while I'm working nights so I'll be setting it up come Saturday! I'll be sure to post plenty of pics :)

At some point I'm going to go and have a rummage in the woods around here to try and find some dead wood.
A week or two ago, my nan noticed that there were three tiny guppies hiding amongst the plants in her tank. Amazingly, three fry somehow survived being eaten by the other fish and are now blossoming.

Sadly, one of the adults died recently but that's still a net gain of two - result!
With wood make sure it is good and dead and dry (unless you pull it out the river). If it is still green or is soft from rotting then avoid. There is lots of good windfall around at the moment, beech and oak are particularly suitable. Avoid pine and other evergreens as even very dead wood can contain resins that can leach out and be poisonous.

Most rocks should be Ok to use given a good clean, but some (such as limestone) can raise your pH/hardness. Test them with a drop of vinegar - if it fizzes then don't use them.

As for why my tank is green and clean? Erm, just lots of healthy plants, a light stocking and no fertilisers means algae doesn't have much of a chance. I never do any cleaning at all.

Great thanks for that reply.

I've done a shed load of reading up on cycles, CO2 levels and good flow rates.

However the term "Light stocking" you say, Do you mean a light stocking of fish?

So you dont use any Substrait i.e fertiliser, i'm very new to this so trying to learn haha.

My plan is to:

Mix substrait (fertilizer) and sand together create an inch deep on the base of the tank and then place gravel on top. External filter with a Koralias 1000lph powerhead giving good flow to the tank. Going to make my own CO2 injection via a fire extinguisher.

As for setting up the tank I’m going to add the ready made bacteria culture to kick start the cycle. Will be doing a 50% water change every other day for 2 weeks then 50% change every week.

That’s as far as I’ve got so far some advice on how not to use fertilizer would be great. There is a mountain of information which quite frankly has made my head spin!

Don’t suppose you could give a little setup guide to a planted aquarium?
I have absoultely no experience with high-tech (CO2, dosing ferts, etc) planted setups, but if you head on over to then there is a ton of usful information there and some very knowledgeable people on hand.

If you're going to planting heavily then there's no need to cycle really, as long as plants are numerous and growing healthily (that's an important distinction) then they should be able to use up any ammonia before it can build up (hence why trying to cycle a planted tank is pretty much an exercise in frustration).
As for setting up the tank I’m going to add the ready made bacteria culture to kick start the cycle. Will be doing a 50% water change every other day for 2 weeks then 50% change every week.

Don't do a water change until you are in the 3rd stage of the cycle or you will just be knocking it back removing bacteria every time.
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A week or two ago, my nan noticed that there were three tiny guppies hiding amongst the plants in her tank. Amazingly, three fry somehow survived being eaten by the other fish and are now blossoming.

Sadly, one of the adults died recently but that's still a net gain of two - result!

Nice one :D I had a baby Molly which spent a few weeks hiding behind the filter and is now out with the big ones growing well :D
I love when that happens :D, I have a baby platty at the moment about 3mm long. I keep seeing him venture out into open water and I'm like "noooo get back in!" He's had a few close calls but still going :D
Finally got my tank in place and filled.

Went from this

to this


That's a Fluval Roma 240 (£330 in the MA sale) with the new design black cabinet (with 6cm removed off the bottom) and 37.5KG of Unipac Black Granite sand. Today I nabbed a tub full of media from the LFS and put it in the bottom of my filter so I added some ammonia to the tank for the first time.

Really happy with it all, filter is silent too which is nice since my chair is right next to the tank.

Just need to get my bogwood cleaned/soaked and redistribute the sand which has moved while I was filling it.
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