Your current Fish tank Setups!

My tank is ready for fish this Saturday coming. Finally!

Anyone buy plants online that can suggest anywhere?

Try eBay there's plenty of stores on there that do packs of random plants that are cheap as chips. I admit you don't get a choice on plants but for the price you can keep the ones you like and throw away the ones you don't want.
Every plant in my two tanks are from eBay and they have done amazingly well after a few trims and regroths
If you don't mind spending a few quid more then go for Tropica or Aquafleur plants. They're always very good quality, sturdy plants with little or no wastage and are grown in the EU so won't have pesticides on them. Buying aquarium plants from the far east (where most cheap ebay plants come from) can be a risk if you plan on having shrimp or other crustaceans in the tank.
King4aDay, as you've been told your tanks are simply stunning!

I'm looking to go full low tech planted in the next few weeks and wondered what you are using as a substrate? I've been doing a bit of reading and I'm currently in the mindset to go for a Laterite base topped with Eco-Complete, but this seems a bit costly :(
Thought about some Oto's but wanted the Celestial Pearl Danios as they look stunning and are still relatively unusual/rare. Would it be ok with 3 or so Otos in there as well or would that be too much?

I'm not familiar with 'Celestial' Pearl Danios, so after reading your post I went had a quick google. Well, as you say, rather attractive - though I didn't notice any information on their ability to reduce algal growth, though my search was only fleeting. Regarding Oto's, I would say that they do best in a group, rather than when just a few are together. I seem to recall I had about ten or eleven in my tank.
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If you don't mind spending a few quid more then go for Tropica or Aquafleur plants. They're always very good quality, sturdy plants with little or no wastage and are grown in the EU so won't have pesticides on them. Buying aquarium plants from the far east (where most cheap ebay plants come from) can be a risk if you plan on having shrimp or other crustaceans in the tank.

Already ordered from last-trading-post =/. Not planning on any shrimp or crustaceans though, certainly not any time soon anyway. Out of interest, how long would it take for any lingering pesticides/copper to disperse?

I ordered,
100g of java fern
50 assorted plants
50 Sagittaria subulata Dwarf Grass

All for £32 posted which seemed reasonable compared to my options locally.

No idea if that is enough or too much for a 4ft but no matter.
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Hey guys, what was the small cube tank that looked pretty stylish that I've seen in this forum before? Couldn't find it, but was wanting a nice stylish tank for my desk to put some fish in and just.... stare at.

I used to have goldfish before, would like to try again with fish.
Out of interest, how long would it take for any lingering pesticides/copper to disperse?

Depending on the pesticide used, anywhere from a few hours to months. Some of them are absorbed into the plant tissues and are gradually released as the plants break down or replace their cells.

9 times out of 10 you'll be fine though, just worth keeping an eye on if you plan on adding expensive shrimp at some point.
King4aDay, as you've been told your tanks are simply stunning!

I'm looking to go full low tech planted in the next few weeks and wondered what you are using as a substrate? I've been doing a bit of reading and I'm currently in the mindset to go for a Laterite base topped with Eco-Complete, but this seems a bit costly :(

In the little nano tanks I'm using ADA Amazonia. It's expensive, but not too bad for small tanks, I split one £35 bag across all three. Advantages are that it's easy to work with, aesthetically quite nice and is really good for getting plants established thanks to its grain size and the fact it comes pre-loaded with nutrients. It also has a high CEC (cation exchange capacity), which means it will take up excess nutrients from the water column and store them until needed.

In the big tank, I used garden soil mixed 50/50 with sand, then with a pure sand cap. Upsides are it's very cheap (cost about £10 to cover 9 square feet to 2 inches), and also has a decent CEC and plenty of nutrients. Downsides are you get a pretty hefty ammonia spike in the first few weeks, so need to do lots of water changes at the start, and it can make a bit of a mess if disturbed. If you go the soil route, then make sure you have a good read of the labels on the bags and avoid any with added fertiliser, manure, lime, peat or wood chips. Miracle Grow Aquatic compost is usually a good bet.

A quick google for 'el natural' and 'walstead' style aquaria will provide tons of info.
After having kept tropical fish for many years I have decided to make a move into Marine. As we are renting and will be moving at some point this year I decided to go small and simple, so I introduce to you the microhabitat by aquahabitats: available here

Bought a 5 gallon jerrycan of the fishshops salt water to make life easier as well as to make the transition from any of their tanks to mine as simple as possible.

Obviously due to its size this will contain no fish, however I am looking forward to bringing some sexy shrimp into the tank once its settled.

Total costs were:

Tank £100
Jerrycan £9.99
FS Salt Water 5 gallon @ £1.29 per gallon
Coral sand 3kg £3.99
Live rock 2 Kg @ £12.99 per kilo

The tank was very straightforward to set up and runs silently. Skimmer took a little adjusting but its running great now.

Will post updates as the tank matures and carry out a full review if anyone is interested.

I'm very interested to hear your views on this as you get to know it. Interested in amount of maintenance time required.

I kept tropical tanks for many years (had a breeding kribensis tank and mixed tropical tank) and have fancied a small marine tank for corals for my office for some time.
Just saw a pic of my tank from a month ago, it has literally been taken over by hygrophila polysperma since i've been using easy carbo and plantamin

Will post pics tonight
im looking for an external filter for a 3ft tropical tank what would you suggest? im abit out of touch on filters,havnt needed one for years
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