Anyone have any tips for moving house ?
i have a 64L Tank not sure how to go about this when the time comes !
Anyone have any tips for moving house ?
i have a 64L Tank not sure how to go about this when the time comes !
My housemate got a P@H 64L tank just before Xmas and it's put me in the mood for some fish again. Used to have some years ago but not for a long time. I've been debating if I should just jump back in the deep end (!!) and get like a huge 400-500L tank and go marine, but though I'd better not just yet...
So after hours of researching I've Just ordered a Fluval Ebi 30L Shrimp Aquarium to sit on my desk next to my monitor
As well as a bunch of plants, moss and a bit of bogwood I think I will have some fish in there as well.
Currently thinking:
6x Amano Shrimp
15x Red Cherry Shrimp
6x Celestial Pearl Danio
Can't wait! Pics will follow...
Anyone know the best fishies to add into a tropical tank to eat as much algae as possible, mainly from the glass?
I do clean the glass regularly, but that stuff just comes back with a vengence!
Current community consists of Clown Loaches, Bala Sharks and a few Corydoras.
Fitted my new(ish) Fluval 405, just glad to plug it in & not see it leaking everywhere like my 205 did.
Or buy 10 cherry shrimp, and watch them multiply to 100 in 3 months!
Yeah, probably Oto's. There'll be a few others, but Oto's certainly come as one of the most highly regarded.
They are too big really, the tank small at only 30L measuring 30cm x 30cm x 35cm.Could try Bristlenose plecs. Only grow to about 5 inches, whereas the common plecs are tankbusters. I had three which kept my 180L tank spotless.
I have had a 60l tank running for over a year with some guppies in it I added some tetra neon 8 on Thursday and today there's only 3 tetras left? No dead fish no sign off the other 5 tetras Do male guppies eat tetras? They seem to disappear at night.