Does anyone have good experience with different brands of External Filters?
I'm in need of a new one because I was cleaning my Fluval 305 the other day, and while I was priming it with the primer plunger, I put a little bit too much sideways force and broke it. There was water leaking as the plunger seal is gone, and I don't trust running it, even though it may be possible to replace the part.
In all honesty, I've always found that it can be a bit frustrating in the five years or so I've had it. For one, the Aquastop valve assembly thing with the lever snapped not long after I bought it. The clamps for holding the hose to the top of the aquarium are easy to break and I've replaced them a few times, plus with a background on my rear glass, it doesn't make attaching them or the intake assembly very easy. The media baskets and the filter media seem to be suffering from some plastic warp, which makes putting them back in not so easy. Finally, I think the impeller may have seen better days and one of the plastic clips that holds it in place also snapped. The lid of the unit also doesn't seem to fit as smoothly as it used to. So as you can see, most of the issues are due to plastic construction.
Its the only External unit I've used, so I'm not sure whether I would get better results with another brand. I realise that Fluval have newer versions now, such as the 306, so it may be a little more robust.
If I was to get another Fluval, I'm thinking perhaps whether I should go for the FX5. It's obviously more expensive, but looks to be far better constructed. Not sure if its overkill for a 55G aquarium though?
Can anyone offer any input?