Your current Fish tank Setups!

Hopefully a spot of pollination going on on the Aponogeton spathes -

Put together a quick video yesterday showing the nightlight and the halide coming on and a few creature shots.

Recently moved the Brachygobius across from their nano as I changed my mind on their ID from soft water aggregatus to more brackish doriae/sabanus, so figured they'd enjoy the hard water. They've settled in nicely and quickly usurped the 10 times larger peacock gobies from their favorite spot!

Forgive the messy emersed section and the still to be planted intake sponge, they're on the to do list.
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Well I made the decision to get a Fluval FX5.

Haven't plumbed it in yet, as I've made the decision to switch back to sand from gravel and do a full tank clean up.
Well I made the decision to get a Fluval FX5.

Haven't plumbed it in yet, as I've made the decision to switch back to sand from gravel and do a full tank clean up.

On a 55G? Yikes, there will be some flow in that tank!

Good choice on the sand to gravel switch imo.
I used to have sand, but when I moved house I ended up scratching the glass because of some grains that had worked their way up the side. I was kind of annoyed with it then, so went with gravel, but have since realised I don't like it as much.

I think the FX5 will be fine though, as I did a fair bit of research and there are people with smaller tanks using them just fine.
Not at all. Obviously planting it initially took a while - best part of a day. But maintenance is about 10 minutes a week.

10 mins is nothing really, I spend maybe 2 hours a week cleaning the glass, the skimmer, various water tests and doing a 10% water change.

Have you ever thought of having a marine tank?
my tanks really starting to come along now. got a few plants in, still a few to go and got some amano shrimp and SFF too.



That looks great Famas! Really nice and bright colours.

Unfortunately we cannot seem to get plants to grow in ours for some reason. Have tried a few times but the fish just love the smash them about and eat them. Also, we have a blue light for the tank, we used to have a normal light and plants grew really well, so that may have something to do with it.

When the fish finally die (not bought any for YEARS) then we can either get rid and get a new tank, new set up, a nice big cycle and get it all growing first, then get some fish in after.
I did look into it when it was first set up and Reef One recommend (for the 30 litre BiOrb) 12-18 small shoaling fish

Although at the top end of that all of the fish are pretty small, there is slightly more water and surface area with plenty of surface movement from the airstone

They all look happy enough :)
Can anyone tell me what this may be on the wood, its gone furry, its been in the tank for a few weeks with no fish, but for the last few days its got worse. Its my brothers tank and today he brought some fish for the tank.

anyone had success with emerald crabs eating green hair algae?

I have 1 in my display tank which hasn't really touched the small amount of GHA which comes & goes in there but I have another in my pod culture tank which I don't feed, and has lived off the GHA in there for the past 5 months. The true mexican turbo snail in my display tank eats more of it than the emerald crab.
did a short vid of how my tank is currently looking. got a small shoal of drawf neon rainbows going in and some more amano shrimp, also picked up a really nice betta.

Will do another vid when i have some more time.
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anyone got an experience or can point me towards some info on planted shallow freshwater tanks that have plants coming above the surface of the water?
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