Your current Fish tank Setups!

How do I remove the filter from a Juwel tank.
I bought a 2nd hand RIO400 last year and the pump was broken when i bought it, they were too expensive on Ebay so I just stuck a couple of external filters on it.
6 days ago, I was cleaning the tank when I saw three new little fish hiding in a corner of the tank. As soon as i saw them I put them in a makeshift trap made with a coke bottle and went straight out to buy a proper breeding trap. Since then the fry have been doing well and have almost doubled in size already. The best part though is I didn't even realise any of my fish were pregnant!

Nice :)

In my fishkeeping days my biggest thrill was breeding my kribensis, had to make them a little cave so they would get frisky and took quite a while but was fantastic to see the fry. The first time I came into the room and saw the fry, the mother swallowed all of them into her mouth to protect them and eventually let them out. I ended up selling kribs to the LFS

Thinking about that makes me want a tank again (which would lead to more tanks etc.)
How do I remove the filter from a Juwel tank.
I bought a 2nd hand RIO400 last year and the pump was broken when i bought it, they were too expensive on Ebay so I just stuck a couple of external filters on it.

Something like a long bladed craft knife will do it, cut through the silicone blobs that hold the filter in place on the side and back.
ive got a 15L tank currently unoccupied, it was a pico marine tank but with working long hours and planning a wedding it got neglected and i had to get rid of it.

so its now sitting on the floor doing nothing. it fits perfectly on my desk so i want to get it going with something less demanding than marine.

any ideas on what i could do with it bar cherry shrimp?
Well another guppy is about to bite the dust. I'm trying to upload a video, perhaps someone far more knowledgeable than me can give some idea of whats going wrong with them!
What are your water parameters?

Have you made any changes to the tank recently?

How often do you do water changes? What percentage of the tank? What do you add to the water?
Hello mate.

Last did a water change middle of the week. Approximately 50% this time.

The only thing that's ever added with the water is the chlorine remover.

PH is currently 6.8, temperature 26.5, nitrite 0, nitrate 30 .

If it helps, she has swollen gills (ie her head is not the normal streamlined size it was when she first went in)

I've tried to get pictures but they don't really show it. She's also gone to fishy heaven now poor little thing :(

Spoiler has full resolution of the first image, you can see the swelling here




The tank has been running fine for six months or more now. Its just the guppy's that have been getting sick.

The three males are fine, am wondering if they were getting a little too jiggy with the females that have died - the males as of ten minutes ago are now in their own tank.
If she was outnumbered 3 to 1 by males she could have been pestered to death by them - either keep all males or at least two females to every male to give the poor girls a break.

It looks to me like a mycobacterial infection or fish TB - nasty thing but it lives in tank water and only really becomes a problem if fish get stressed. Your Melafix wouldn't have touched it, the only cures are true antibiotics like Metronidazole which you can only buy from a vet and they have the lovely side effect of wiping out all your filter bacteria too which causes even more problems...

If everythings looking ok just keep on top of water changes, monitoring the water parameters .
Little update if it helps :

The ammonia is between 0 and 0.25 I think its 0 on the colour chart, she thinks near 0.25 so I'm hoping this figure is very low?

Just about to test the rest of the tank with the liquid tests and will update this post.
Ammonia has to be zero. If it's not then the filter isn't converting the ammonia into less harmless substances. Depending on the pH ammonia can be toxic, it's often a problem in newly setup tanks.

If in doubt, do a 50% water change.
In an ideal world you should be aiming for 0 ammonia (NH3/4) 0 nitrite (NO2) Nitrate (NO3) as low as you can get it, your tap water has ~20mg/l so <40mg/l would be good and pH 7.0 +/-0.5. Temp 24-26c and most fish will be happy in that.

For a really low reading like that on the ammonia I'd be testing again and testing the tap water to see if that gives a similar reading, some liquid tests can give a low false positive depending on what water conditioner you use.
Nitrate is not as import as ammonia and nitrite. Some fish can live comfortably in over 100ppm nitrate without complications. As usual, the sudden environment change is the problem (excluding emergency water changes).

My nitrate is never below 40ppm because it's in the tap water. I don't bother testing it these days. In any event, it is a plant nutrient.
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