Your current Fish tank Setups!

Very nice. I'm going the other way from you, trying to find someone at the moment to take my old Trigon off my hands to go back to a rectangular tank! There are some lovely scapes on UKAPS from Gary Nelson and Ian Holdich for Trigon FYI.
I am fairly sure this i not against the rules, as I am not actually selling anything..

Does anyone want a beautiful breeding pair of Convict chichlids. Free to a good home. I am changing the direction of my tank, and these little guys do not fit into my plans. I get new batches of fry every 2-3 weeks almost without fail.

Collection only, from Guildford.

If you are interested, please let me know what tank you have and you current contents, dont want them going to somewhere not suitable :)
I tested my tap water to see what the levels are (I left the water for 48 hrs in a glass first).

Nitrates and nitrites were both zero, but ammonia was 0.5 ppm, I didn't think tap water would have ammonia?

PH is 8.2, is that normal for a hard water area?
I tested my tap water to see what the levels are (I left the water for 48 hrs in a glass first).

Nitrates and nitrites were both zero, but ammonia was 0.5 ppm, I didn't think tap water would have ammonia?

PH is 8.2, is that normal for a hard water area?

How are you testing the water, test strips or liquid test kits?

Nitrate liquid test kits are notorius for reagents coming out of solution, you need to band and shake the bottles for a good minute or two to have a hope of a vaguely accurate result.

Sometime water companies use chloramine, so when your dechlorinator mixes with it, ammonia will be produced as the chloramine is broken down.

pH 8.2 is pretty normal along the Uk south coast, our water source is quite hard.
How are you testing the water, test strips or liquid test kits?

Nitrate liquid test kits are notorius for reagents coming out of solution, you need to band and shake the bottles for a good minute or two to have a hope of a vaguely accurate result.

Sometime water companies use chloramine, so when your dechlorinator mixes with it, ammonia will be produced as the chloramine is broken down.

pH 8.2 is pretty normal along the Uk south coast, our water source is quite hard.

I'm using the API liquid test kit.
As said, it's most likely chloramine producing a funny reading. As long as you've got a healthy filter it shouldn't be anything to worry about.
Can anyone suggest a way to plug the factory-made holes & cut-outs in the rear of a plastic canopy? I spent ages looking round DIY stores today trying to find some kind of flexible plastic sheeting that I could cut to size & glue in place but had no luck at all. Even tried Hobbycraft.

I thought I'd found the solution in Halfords by using bits of fiberglass sheeting but apparently that will give off toxic fumes -even when cured :(

Any ideas folks? I'm trying to make an old aquarium crab-proof :)
Acrylic sheet from eBay, comes in all manner of sizes and colours. Either superglue or silicone will be acceptable adhesives for that job.
Noob alert. My girlfriend's fish tank appears to be leaking, water is seeping from underneath and causing the wooden table it resides on to turn black. She can't tell where the leak is coming from so we are going to try and move the water from the tank to a similar sized bin I have borrowed from work. This will hopefully allow us to inspect the tank and make a decision. Some questions;

  • The bin is an unused recyling bin - will it be OK to wash it out with shower water and dry it and then house the fish tank water?
  • Can leaks be fixed easily?
  • Is there anything am I missing or likely to do wrong from the explanation above?

Thanks :)
The bin will be fine as long as it has been cleaned properly with water only.

Leaks are easily fixed if it is just a break down of the seals with silicone - Ensure it is suitable for use in fish tanks obviously. Check the drying time on it of course to ensure it is dry before you refill.

If it is an actual crack then silicone might work if its only small. It's hard to say without actually seeing it. It sounds like its just the seal though if its just seeping slowly.

Make sure you put the heater and filter into the bin as well! (Assuming its a tropical tank). Watch out for the plastic of the bin warming.... if it is a hard plastic it should be OK but thinner flexible plastic will be melted by the heater.
Does anyone here use the EI method for fertilizing their tank?
Ive just ordered a starter kit from aquariumplantfoods and was wondering how others have found it over premixed. I'm currently using easylife profito and easycarbo, but after changing my t5's have found that my plants seem to have developed a potassium deficiency over the past few weeks. Hopefully this will go some way to help keep my swords and java ferns healthy.
I don't use EI, but I mix my own ferts. If you're going EI then remember to keep up on weekly water changes to avoid buildup. It'll certainly be cheaper than the profito you're using at the moment!
I use the EI method and have seen a great improvement in growth and plant colour since starting.

I slightly underdose and water change fortnightly.

I also run pressurised Co2, I did try Easycarbo but didn't really see any benefit and didn't really like adding a potentially harmful substance to my tanks.
Got a few more bits today for new tank if you never seen them in what we bought thread. ;)

wow the Seachem purigen has only been in a couple of hours and is extremely good so far.


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