Your favourite drinking games?

12 Jun 2004
I now hate beer.

Last night before we all went out clubbing to celebrate a birthday, we decided..well everyone else decided to play a game called 'Ride the bus'. Needless to say i arrived later on and i was forced to play along. :o

For those who don't know...(Obviously a slight variation)

A deck of cards are used with 11 cards laid out on the table like this...

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The aim is to turn over one card in each row and successfully 'flip' to the end without turning over an Ace, King, Queen or Jack. If you flip over any other card, you can continue to the next row and the game ends when you reach the final card at the end. Some sort of song is sung during the drinking but i can't remember how it goes. If you do flip over a picture card then you have to start all over again.

Ace = 4 fingers worth of beer.
King = 3
Queen = 2
Jack = 1

I managed to get 28 points which resulted in something like 2.5 - 2.75 pints of Fosters in 20 minutes..and for a small built guy like myself, i felt awful. :(

So what are your favourite drinking games? (With stories!)
The only time I play with alcohol is if I'm drinking it off a woman, that's far more fun than this points business :p
one ive played which is quote good fun, it requires a lot of alcohol and usually needs about 5+ people for it to really work.

You all stand in a circle with your glass full. You nominate a person to start. You then in turn, going clockwise, nod your head but at the same time counting upwards (1,2,3,4 in your head, NOT out loud) When the number 5 or any multiple of it comes up, the person whos number it is shakes their head and counting continues as normal. The numer 7 or any multiple of it the person nods/flicks their head the opposite direction to normal and you then proceed counting counter clockwise.

The idea is to play as quickley as possible, people get easily confused. The punishment for screwing up involves downing your drink :p
Put on Finding Nemo and shot at each time the word 'Nemo' is said.

Hot Fuzz and a shot each time a police rank is said.

And there's always Fuzzy Duck.
we had a good one whilst watchingt he snooker on the tv, each person is assigned a colour (anything but white or red) for the frame, then everytime the player pots your colour you have to drink. doubles and trick shots induce multipliers. its murder for the person who gets the black for a frame.
The game I mostly played was called Jacks, its a simple game Just take a pack of cards and you turn over a card for each person who is playing and you go around and around until the 4 Jacks are uncovered.

This is what the Jacks represent:

1st Jack = Ther person selects the drink. its usually half a pint or a Spirit

2nd Jack = Pays for the drink

3rd Jack = collects the drink

4th Jack = drinks the drink

If they are unable to drink it, or brings any of it up, they have to buy a full round for everyone playing. :D
SideWinder said:
I now hate beer.

Last night before we all went out clubbing to celebrate a birthday, we decided..well everyone else decided to play a game called 'Ride the bus'. Needless to say i arrived later on and i was forced to play along. :o

For those who don't know...(Obviously a slight variation)

A deck of cards are used with 11 cards laid out on the table like this...

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The aim is to turn over one card in each row and successfully 'flip' to the end without turning over an Ace, King, Queen or Jack. If you flip over any other card, you can continue to the next row and the game ends when you reach the final card at the end. Some sort of song is sung during the drinking but i can't remember how it goes. If you do flip over a picture card then you have to start all over again.

Ace = 4 fingers worth of beer.
King = 3
Queen = 2
Jack = 1

I managed to get 28 points which resulted in something like 2.5 - 2.75 pints of Fosters in 20 minutes..and for a small built guy like myself, i felt awful. :(

So what are your favourite drinking games? (With stories!)

where as i only had to down 1 finger of beer!!!!!

arrogance is good, but ring of fire is my personal favourite(although this game has so many different variations, it always ends up good)
On Friday night I played "Lucky Ace"...

A deck of cards is shuffled and starting with the dealer first, a card is turned face up for each person. The first person to get an ace becomes "one" and must say one out loud and take a drink. The cards are collected, shuffled and dealt again, this time looking for the first person to get a two. One must then call "one" and take a drink, followed by two calling out two and taking a drink. Repeat until you get to 13 and then go back down again. If you have multiple numbers you must call each correctly and take a drink else you must down the remainder of your drink.

Lots of fun, very easy way to drink an awful lot very quickly if you are unlucky and get a low number or two early on!
Transformers the Movie Drinking Game - Drink 2 fingers of beer every time someone transforms (that is into and out of there vehicle form).

Touch Cup! Have to bounce a 5p off the table into a half pint of alcoholic beverage. The main rule is that everytime a player touches the cup they must say "touch cup". Failure to do so means the person having to drink the contents of the cup. One the cup is empty is should never be put down without being refilled - failure to do so means it must be refilled and consumed by the offending player.

The main aim is to bounce a 5p in the drink - nominate some any person playing to drink the contents of the cup. It must then be refilled. This must be played whilst observing the rules of touch cup.

If the 5p piece hits the rim of the Cup any player can call a “Rim Challenge” this requires the player who hit the rim having another go at bouncing the coin into the Cup. If they get the coin into the Cup the player who called the Rim Challenge has to drink the Cup. If the person misses on their second attempt they have to drink the Cup.

To Summarise You drink if:
-You don’t say “Touch Cup” before touching the Cup
-You bounce the 5p and it goes off the table and
hits the floor
-You fail a “Rim Challenge”
-You “Rim Challenge” someone else and they bounce the 5p into the Cup
-You are nominated to drink after a player successfully bounces the 5p into the Cup
-You put the Cup down empty
-You fill the Cup up without taking the 5p out of the Cup
-You break any new rule that has been implemented after 3 successive successful Touch Cup attempts.
Couple of ones that I occasionally play (without getting into International Gentlemans Drinking Rules as they are complicated and ad-hoc usually) are Karten Blasen (card blowing) or 21s.

Karten Blasen requires a deck of cards, an empty beer bottle, a sheet of paper and a shot glass plus the liquid to go in it. Draw a circle round the shot glass onto the paper (upturned shot glass is easiest to create the right size of circle if a tapered shot glass to allow a slight margin of error when replacing the glass) and then fill up with your chosen spirit, the cards are then placed on top of the beer bottle neck. You then take it in turns to blow some of the cards off but not dislodge the whole pack, if you do then you must drink the shot. If you fail to move any cards then you must drink a shot but if you blow off all cards apart from one then the person before you must drink the shot in your stead. Go either clockwise or anti-clockwise and once you do your forfeit shot you must place the glass back into the circle or you do another forfeit etc etc. This probably sounds a lot more complicated than it is to play.

21s is where you simply have to count up to 21 as a group, each person can say up to 3 numbers (e.g. 4,5,6) but whoever says 21 has to take a drink (two fingers is usual but adapt to suit) and they get to change a number in the sequence (so for instance the number "7" is now "duck") and everyone must remember it in correct order. Anyone making mistakes or swearing has to do a forfeit drink so always entertaining is to change one of the numbers to a swearword anyway when you get to 21.
I've never.

Me and my best friend once properly stitched each other up at that... everyone was quite shocked to hear all the secrets coming out.

Me: "I've never given someone oral sex just off the path outside college at York University"
Friend: "Damnit"
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