Your favourite drinking games?

vonhelmet said:
I've never.

Me and my best friend once properly stitched each other up at that... everyone was quite shocked to hear all the secrets coming out.

Me: "I've never given someone oral sex just off the path outside college at York University"
Friend: "Damnit"
Great game I always manage to well and truly stich a few people up when it comes to that
Was introduced to a game a couple of weeks ago called Shark Attack.

Basically - at any point throughout the gathering, if anyone says "shark attack" everyone must get off the floor - last one still touching the floor has to down the drink they've currently got in their hands!

One rule you could add (and we did) was that you can't take refuge in the same place twice - this prevents someone just sitting somewhere all evening with their feet off the floor! ;)

You get a stop watch and fill your shot glass (50ml) with Lager/Beer. Once a minute passes you have to down your shot and then refill ready for the next minute to pass. Continue drinking shots every minute until you have had 100 shots in 100 minutes or until only one person remains.

The good thing about this game is people are always willing to participate because they think "A shot of lager! That's nothing". However they fail to realise that they end up drinking 100 x 50ml shots, so that's 5 litres of lager (about 9 pints) in 100 minutes.
Turbo, this usually starts getting played as soon as we start drinking, nobody has to say it's started or anything within my group of friends. If you are caught drinking with your right hand and someone says turbo you have to down whatever you have. Pretty simple but later on in the night it can get messy.
aceface57 said:
Turbo, this usually starts getting played as soon as we start drinking, nobody has to say it's started or anything within my group of friends. If you are caught drinking with your right hand and someone says turbo you have to down whatever you have. Pretty simple but later on in the night it can get messy.

Haha I like playing that one too, I'm left handed but I usually accidentally ( ;) ) forget to remind my friends of this and watch all them suffer :D
Gaverick said:
Haha I like playing that one too, I'm left handed but I usually accidentally ( ;) ) forget to remind my friends of this and watch all them suffer :D

After years of playing this game I have trained myself to drink with my left hand, but I do still tend to get caught out and usually at the worst possible time, full pint of some strong cider :D
We just make our own up, very easy and simple and you can alter it.

Deck of cards spread out face down on the floor, take it in turns picking a card.

If you turn over a black 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 then you have to drink that many mouthfuls or fingers whater. If you get a red 2 - 7 then you choose someone else to do it. Good for ganging up!

Any 8 - Footballers. Say a footballers name E.g. George Best and the next person has to name one with the first name beginning with the last name of the previous. E.g. George Best > Bobby Charlton > Carlton Cole*

*If you same a player whose first and last name begins with the same letter then you go the opposite way, good for catching people out. Person who hestitates too long loses and does 5 fingers.

Any 9 - You have to make up a rhyme. Basically make a 2 line rhyme which you have to continue with in turns. Person who balls up has to do 5 mouthfuls/fingers.

Black 10 - Neck your drink.

Red 10 - Nominate someone to neck.

Any Jack or Queen - Rules! You can make up a rule. E.g. No swearing, if you do 5 fingers. Can't call eachother by any name which normally would. Left handed drinking etc etc. Very funny.

Black Kings and Aces - Shot for yourself.

Red Kings and Aces - Nominate someone to have a shot.

Joker - Everyone finishes their drink and does a shot.

Everytime it changes though and you can basically make what ever you want. Usually what our camping trips consist of. Gets very messy after a couple of games! :p
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I learnt many when I was away, and to be honest, drinking games > going out and just drinking in a bar and talking.

Anywho, the best game has to be Mushroom, tis both fun and attracts a lot of attention. Basics of the game are as follows.

Deck of cards, spread them around an empty beer bottle.
Each person has a turn at picking up a card (and takes a drink), before they look and reveal the card they have to guess if it's black or red.
If they guess the color incorrectly they have to place the card on top of the bottle.
If they guess correctly, they pass the card onto someone else who has to place the card on the bottle top.
It may sound simple enough but when a card is placed on the bottle there has to be at least 2 corners of the card showing and not touching any other card. If a person places a card on top of the bottle and knocks off only a few other cards, their original card aswell as all the others knocked off must be placed back using only the mouth.
If all cards are knocked off on an attempt that person must down their drink.

Basically, as the game progresses the cards on top of the bottle begin to fan out and form a 'mushroom' type structure, looks pretty awesome when theres a lot of cards on top (even more so if the back of the cards are red and patterned, your typical known mushroom color).
An Explanation of EL GUAPO!!!

Guru said:
I like El Guapo.

SideWinder said:
How do you play?

This is not what you will find if you google the El Guapo drinking game....this is something that was picked up in Ghana :)

It is a dice game involving 2 six sided dice....

First things first to roll El Guapo is to roll a 2 and a 1 and it beats all rolls apart from a social.

To roll a social is to roll a 3 and a 4 and it means everyone has to drink.

You roll the two dice into your own hand and YOU look at them but dont let anyone else see them initially.

You roll to the person on your left (i.e. clockwise)

You have to beat the score the person on you right got (not equal you have to beat it - except if it is El Guapo, then you can just equal it and pass it on).

You beat the previous persons roll if you roll a higher dice combination than them. However, if you do not roll higher, you can lie to the person you are rolling to. Because you dont show your dice when you roll. :)

If they say you are lying and you are not then you have to show them your dice, because you have to prove that you were not. Otherwise you don't ever have to show them your dice (except when you roll a 4 and a 3 which is called a Social).

If someone says you are lying and you are not THEY lose and they must drink. (And you show your dice)
If someone says you are lying and you ARE...then you lose and you must drink.
If someone accepts what you have rolled (whether you really got it or not), you don't show the dice, you hand them the dice and they must beat what you said you rolled.

If you lose you pass the dice on. If you win you keep the dice and and the score round resets and you roll again.

If you roll either/both dice of the table you forfeit the round, drink and pass on the dice and the round resets.

Same goes for if you tamper the dice after rolling them (even if the score doesn't change, because no-one will know if it has or not - don't dice tamper!)

Scoring works like so:

For any non double the value of the roll is taken from the highest dice first, then the lowest (not the sum of the 2 - so anything with a 6 would beat anything with a 5, etc. - excluding doubles, El Guapo and Social)
Doubles beat any non-double (except El Guapo and Social)
El Guapo is a 2 and a 1. El Guapo beats everything (except for a social). The only way to beat it is to roll another El Guapo in which case it passes on, or a Social.
Social is a 3 and a 4. It beats EVERYTHING, and does not pass on. When you get a social you have to show everyone (so you can't fake a social), say 'Social!' so everyone can hear you and everybody drinks. Then the round is reset and whoever rolled the Social begins the round.

Drinking works like so:

All losses are 2 fingers of drink (ideally a pint and should be adjusted for drink width's / alcohol percentages / ladies)
Except for El Guapo, which is 4 or sometimes downing your whole drink depending who you are playing with ;)
Social means everyone drinks 2 fingers.

That about covers it!

Best drinking game EVER bar none!! :D

A little confusing until you have fully got your head round it but its absolute quality :D

Have fun!
21 or Spoof

Spoof: each player has three coins. Each player decides how many coins they will keep in their hand, 0-3, and holds that hand over the table. Players guess at how many coins there are in total. If you get it right you are out. Last man standing downs a drink.
Arrogance is the most hardcore where i am. ring of fire is a good laugh as well. higher or lower is brilliant - split a pack of cards in two, give half to your mate. he takes top card then you draw a card. if its higher, 1/4 pint gone for him, if its lower you do 1/4 pint.
Ulfhedjinn said:
24 Drinking Game = Shot every time Jack Bauer says "damn it!"
Then there's endurance 24. Get a whole series of 24 (24 episodes), and a 24 pint crate. Then watch the whole series, and drink a pint with each episode. Should take around 16 hours. :eek: :eek:

Get 24 pints of bothers festival strength pear cider if yer brave/stupid. :D
Dunno what it's called. It's pretty long and you need a LOT of drink. Best with a group of 5 or more. All you need is a deck of cards and 2 large jugs. All the cards are spread out face down on the floor or a table. Each person then takes turns to pick a card.

The cards are as follows:

Ace: toilet break: You can only pee if you have an ace.

2: **** You: Whoever draws the card nominates somebody to drink 4 fingers.

3: **** Me: The person that draws the card drinks 4 fingers.

4: Touch the floor: Last person to do so. 4 fingers.

5: Touch the Sky: As above.

6: Arrogance: The person that draws the card pours as much or as little of their drink into a jug and then tosses a coin. If they call it correctly they pass the jug (with their drink in it) and coin to the person on their right who then tosses the coin. This continues until somebody drinks.

7: QuestionMaster: Whoever draws this card becomes question master. If they ask a question anybody that answers it must begin their answer with **** You or they have to drink 4 fingers. This is a good one. There is only one QuestionMaster at a time.

8: Cargo Ship: Whoever draws this card says "A cargo ship pulled into port carrying [object]" object can be anything of which there are numerous varieties, i.e. lager. The person on the left of the card drawer must name a lager, then the person on their left another until somebody repeats an earlier answer or fails to answer altogether. At which point they drink.

9: Bust a Rhythm: A simple rhyming game. Just come up with a word rhyming with that which the card drawer chose to start the game on.

10: New Rule: The first 10 drawn always introduces International Drinking Rules. The next three rules are up to the players who draw the 10's.

J: ChinMaster: Whenever the ChinMaster touches their chin the other players must follow suit. The last person to do so drinks.

Q: Waterfall: Everybody starts to drink at the same time. The first person that can stop is the person that drew the card. Only then can the person to their left stop. And only then can the person to their left stop drinking. Very hard on the person to the right of the person that drew the Queen.

K: Jug: If you draw a King pour some of your drink into a jug. When the last King is drawn the person who drew it must pour all their drink into the jug then sown it in one.

As a veteran of the more heady drinking games, I feel I should post some of our more amusing ones.

All of these are of course done with FULL International Drinking Rules


This is one that defies explanation, you need to play to understand. Essentially you sit in a circle (you need at least 10 of you to make it fun), one person will direct the flow of the game to his left or right by gesturing in that direction and shouting "yeehaa", the next person in that direction either continues or does one of many other actions and shouts, changing the direction of the game, skipping people out or changing direction and skipping people out at the same time. Getting a shout or gesture mixed up or wrong, missing when it's your turn or general foolishness means you get a penalty applied by Mr Weights and Measures.

I've seen this game bring many an unaware person to their knees (over the great white porcelain telephone, praying to god)

Commander Says

A commander is chosen, usually either Mr Weights and Measures or someone appointed by him. He acts as "The commander". This is basically Simon Says except that it's a commander, and failing his commands means you drink!

The Name Game

A very simple premise, the first person to go thinks up a name, the name has to be of someone "at least as famous as Botticelli", which in practice means anyone that the rest of the group has heard of. The next person in the group has to say the name of another person, whose first name starts with the first letter of the previous person's surname. ie. If the first person says George Bush, the next person might say Bill Gates, the third person Geoff Hurst etc.

If the name you come up with is a double letter name, that is the first name and surname have the same character (Andre Agassi for example) the direction changes, meaning the person before has to go again.

How is this a drinking game I hear you ask? Well, the thing is, while it's your go and you're thinking of a name, you have to be constantly drinking at the same time! Failure to drink properly while thinking will result in you being given a penalty of finishing your beverage and getting another.

Mikes Measures

This really is an evil game. In a circle, a jug is passed around and everyone puts a fixed amount (usually 2 fingers) of whatever they're drinking in it, usually leaving a horrible brown alcoholic mess at the end.

Mr Weights and Measures then floats a pint glass in this jug and it's passed around the circle again. This time, each person pours 1 finger of their drink into the pint glass, the person who has the misfortune to sink the glass has to pull it out of the jug, filled with the horrible mix of many drinks, and down it.

I can't stress how horrible this is, we've only done it once and it resulted in much vomit being cleaned up afterwards. Although I believe it also lead to the invention of red death, which is vodka, absinthe and cranberry juice, a surprisingly nice drink, until you have your second one and don't wake up until the morning.

Family Guy Drinking Game

A nice relaxed one, sit around watching family guy. Every time something vaguely offensive or politically incorrect is said, you drink. :)

There are a few more, but I can't think of the details of them off of the top of my head. Remember kids, always drink safely and responsibly! :)
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