Your favourite drinking games?


This can be played at any time, and it doesn't need to be announced. At any time, someone will place their thumb on the table (obviously best if you're already in a circle, such as playing another type of game). The last person to put their thumb on the table, has to drink 4 fingers of their drink.

This is a very stealthy game, and you have to be on the lookout constantly for others with their thumb on the table!
"Think While You Drink" is a classic.
For those that don't know - pick a subject...let's say famous actors names. Someone starts off then each person has to think of another actor's name beginning with the last letter of the person before them. While you're thinking - you drink. This is fairly easy at first but soon deteriorates into chaos :)
Also, if someone repeats one already said they have to down the rest of their drink and they're out. The winner is the last person standing.

Another good one is "The Coin Game"
Get a stack of copper coins and take it in turns to bet x amount of fingers whether the next coin is heads or tails. Simple but effective. We once extended this game so that each go, someone had to introduce a new rule to be abided by (e.g. You can only drink with your left hand or You can't use the word 'fingers', you now have to say digits) and if someone breaks that rule, they drink 2 fingers worth. As you can imagine, once you get a dozen crazy rules floating round people start to make lots of mistakes :D
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Gaverick said:

You get a stop watch and fill your shot glass (50ml) with Lager/Beer. Once a minute passes you have to down your shot and then refill ready for the next minute to pass. Continue drinking shots every minute until you have had 100 shots in 100 minutes or until only one person remains.

The good thing about this game is people are always willing to participate because they think "A shot of lager! That's nothing". However they fail to realise that they end up drinking 100 x 50ml shots, so that's 5 litres of lager (about 9 pints) in 100 minutes.
I've done that and I gotta tell you, it's near impossible!
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