Your favourite text editor for webdev?

27 Mar 2012
Hi all,

I'm currently still using Notepad++, and wondering if there's any good alternative?

I briefly tried Atom, and I found it very pretty but the usability didn't seem great to me.

I currently work in only JS, HTML, SQL, and CSS.

What do you use day to day?

I love Atom. Learn some shortcuts (or use the command palette (CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + P)) and install some choice plugins and it's rather nice to use IMO.

Love being able to drag in a folder and use CTRL/CMD+T to search files in the open project easily.
I switched to Atom from PHPStorm a while back now and seems to suit my needs pretty well. PHPStorm is great but enjoy the simplicity of Atom.

You could look at Visual Studio Code and Sublime text as free alternatives or PHP/Web Storm as a paid alternative.

What usability problems did you encounter with Atom?
Sublime Text 3 with the oceanic next theme - couple of plugins and it's perfect.

A couple of the backend guys at work are using PHPstorm and seem to love it.
I've tried sublime/notepad++ etc but tbh, Atom does most things now but I don't do a lot of dev work at the moment.

It's a basic editor with a lot of potential due to all the plugins for it.
Really like VS Code myself.

Its fast, looks great, good features and a large selection of extensions/plugins.

Myself I like the Dark+ Colour Theme, and the VS-Code Icons (gives specific icons for your file types such as package.json, .eslintrc etc), makes it looks really nice and helps navigate round files quickly.
I mainly use PHPStorm these days, but I keep Brackets installed if I'm just doing front-end stuff. Notepad++ is always installed too as I really the context menu option and it opens fast for quick edits on stuff.
Now migrated to using VS Code for 'proper' stuff or if it is something quick, notepad++ on windows or nano on linux. VS Code seems to be getting better and better with each release and the extensions available fill in any gaps. Built in git support and debugging are also a winner!
I opened the thread to recommend Atom, having also used Sublime Text 3 for years I would also recommend that. In both cases I would install a few addons.
So what addons do you guys recommend? I had a quick browse but couldn't see anything interesting. The themes also seem to be more geared towards aesthetics rather than usability.
I'm liking Visual Studio Code at the moment. Took me a while to realize it's made by MS. Literally the only MS thing I use these days.
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