Your favourite text editor for webdev?

Gave Atom another go last night.

It's pretty nice, but I kind of wish there's a icon toolbar at the top. Having to do Ctrl-S or Ctrl-/ etc is a bit difficult with one hand... A lot of my night time programming involves rocking the baby to sleep with my left arm :(

Trying Visual Studio Code next!
Gave Atom another go last night.

It's pretty nice, but I kind of wish there's a icon toolbar at the top. Having to do Ctrl-S or Ctrl-/ etc is a bit difficult with one hand... A lot of my night time programming involves rocking the baby to sleep with my left arm :(

Trying Visual Studio Code next!

There's pretty much a plugin for everything with Atom. May need some customisation but looks simple enough.
jebrains IDE for heavy work (phpstorm, pycharm etc) and sublime for light work, atom is great too. They're all skinned and keymapped the same too.
VS Code for any simple text file stuff. VS Studio 2017 for any development stuff.

I still have a soft spot for Dreamweaver. It was the web designers editor of choice. So I ended up using that for classic ASP and PHP in the late 90s/early 2000s. When the deisgners used to complain that I screwed up their designs :) without it.
Can't image using anything other than Sublime Text 3 at this point. The shortcuts are amazing, and you really can't beat the plugin ecosystem that's built up around it.
I've been using Atom for years now, it's pretty decent with plugins, was using Sublime Text before that.

I occasionally use Vim, just so I don't forget the keybindings, I should get around to adding powerline + some plugins and try to stick with it.
This thread inspired me to try something new so grabbed atom. Was initially really impressed however there's a couple of issues meaning i cannot switch over, so wondering what would a good alternative without the same issues? My work environment provides access to our linux boxes over samba or I can grab files up through sftp.

Over samba, Atom cannot's laggy and appears to re-read the whole directory when you alt-tab around, this is a known issue but I saw no solution to it.

Over sftp, each file I open opens a new window, you cannot get it to open within in the same instance as a new tab.
Been using VS Code based on you lot's recommendation, and so far I'm liking it more than Atom :)

Was originally reluctant because, well, Microsoft, but I'm pleasantly surprised!
Been using VS Code based on you lot's recommendation, and so far I'm liking it more than Atom :)

Was originally reluctant because, well, Microsoft, but I'm pleasantly surprised!

I can understand the Microsoft reluctance but they have made some interesting moves over there in certain areas with visual studio code, dotnetcore and linux releases of server software...If it means getting intellisense on a multi language tool like VS Code and being able to run dotnetcore applications in C# natively on linux, I'm down!
I'm liking Visual Studio Code at the moment. Took me a while to realize it's made by MS. Literally the only MS thing I use these days.
Why's that? Hope not one of these old fashioned anti-MS people :). Those days are gone
MS is a great company these days producing some very good software. I recently joined a company and have managed to kick up dust by questioning why they've gone down the open source route for some things when they're already quite a Microsoft based software house. Turns out hired some new joiners who just wanted to use open source software which is stupid. So I joined immediately picking up the tools the company had (MS) and find out others are doing it differently with open source tools.
I use Visual Studio Enterprise/Ultimate and nothing compares. Open source only gets you so far, £ gets you the rest of the way. Until the day we work for free nobody can really argue with that IMO :D
I've started using Sublime 3 and love it so far.

Open source only gets you so far, £ gets you the rest of the way. Until the day we work for free nobody can really argue with that IMO :D

The vast majority of web servers and appliances would argue with you.
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